Friday, July 9, 2010

Lake Lakeside: Vanquished

Well, whadya know?  It rained yesterday, and Lakeside Place, between Clarendon and Marine, didn't flood.
June 2, 2010
July 9, 2010
Amazing what happens when the proper fix is made. City of Chicago, we thank you.


  1. ........and that only long?????????

  2. In other startling news: the sign promoting the Pure02 development (which went belly up when the developer skirted off w/$10M in investors' money, +2 years ago) on Leland/Clarendon came down, as well.

  3. Finnally this got taken care. The City tried fixing it last year and earlier this year allready. The 3rd time was a charm. Its great because I live near there and can utilize the nice parking spots.
