Sunday, June 6, 2010

What's Going On With The Wilson Station?

We hear that Ald. Shiller will be speaking at the board meeting of Uptown Business Partners this Wednesday, June 9, about her ideas for redevelopment of the historic Wilson El station commercial structures on the NW corner of Wilson & Broadway. She also would like Business Partners and United to have a role in her plans.

We look forward to Ald. Shiller sharing this information with the residents of the 46th Ward at some point in the near future.


  1. Let's hope the terra-cotta stays this time around.

  2. This has to be the only ward in all of Chicago where an alderman gets upset if the public learns about a meeting involving the alderman. Honestly, is there any other ward located in Chicago where this happens?

  3. As election time nears so will issues that Shiller should have taken care of years ago. There are many things our Uptown needs and should have been addressed by her long before now. Lets hope this is her going away gift to all the residents in our ward.

  4. Can "ordinary folks" crash these meetings somehow?

  5. I am half kidding about this. But this women (Shiller) is a crazy as the lady I see pooping on the corner of Broadway and Montrose. How many low income and mentally ill units can you fit in the square footage. Maybe it will become the world largest Wig shop or Bong store. With a Metadome express in the old chicken place. I have noticed a reduction of chicken bones in the hood and on the Wilson el stop. I never knew that chicken bones do not go in the trash can.

  6. Gayle, you're asking if you can crash a meeting of a publicly funded organization to learn what your elected official is doing without your input with your tax dollars to improve a government owned transportation system?

    Because Uptown United is silent about it, I would have to assume the public is not welcomed. It seems no one wants to upset Helen Shiller by suggesting she should communicate with the community at large.

    However, you can fully expect a few people to defend Helen and lay entire blame on all the mean residents who purposely move to the 46th Ward for the sole purpose of wanting to pick on Helen for no reason whatsoever.

  7. Helen need to understand that she is responsible to all that live in this ward. Those that actually pay property taxes need to have a voice in her grand urban planning as they are the people who actually fund her pipe.... errr smoke dreams.

    Without the evil condo owners.... the tax base could not support her pet projects.

  8. Hey, give our gal a break at Montrose and Broadway. She seems to have pulled herself together over the past 9 months and probably could use a little encouragement and positive feedback for all her efforts. Let's hope she stays stable in her housing this summer instead of moving back onto the streets.

    You might be confusing her with another lady who has moved to the area and has some issues with public drinking. But, she doesn't use the streets as her toilet.

  9. Instead of putting lipstick on a rotting corpse, why don't they address the team of drug dealers who stand in front of the currency exchange on Broadway and Wilson, pushing dope all day?

    I love it when politicians put band aids on gangrene!

  10. TruthBearer
    If you are talking about Sheryl "Uptown Sherry" who more or less lived @ the Sheridan bus stop on Montrose. Word on the street is she actually OD'd and died unfortunatley. I hope that word is wrong, but that's what I've been hearing.

  11. 950Leland,

    I agree with you 100% but with that in mind, why should Helen care what you or I want. Yes we like many others in Chicago pay tons in taxes and fees to live here. But so have many other people who have lived in her ward the past 20 plus years. How many of those tax payers voted in the last election? Answer: not very many. City wide it was 19% I think. Many get upset because of the lack of followup and transparency by most pols in Chicago. But why would this change when only 19% show up to voice any conern. Even when given several weeks to get around to doing it.

    I write letters and attend public meetings because I like to vent my concerns and lean more about the neighborhood. But I VOTE to make the pols hear me. It is really the only thing some of them listen to. When they hear 19% it pretty much says do whatever the hell you want, we don't care or pay attention. Unfortunately, most of the time they are correct. I think many people who read and post here on UU do vote. But to elect a new Alderman, each one of us needs to find and motivate 10 or 15 more to learn about the issues and get out and VOTE. Seems easy when you know some of the facts about the 46th. But ask your neighbors which ward they live in or who the Alderman is. Most have no idea. Very sad, when as you said, so much of our tax dollars go to pay for things that property tax dollars are not supposed to be spent on.

  12. Uptown Vegetarian..

    Actually the person seeking to overturn Shiller if she runs should target all of the ward south on Montrose. Shiller's ward was move south of Irving Park and there are TONS of condo owners. Most do not know except through rumors about who she is. I really don't think most South of Irving know she is actually the alderman.

    I can see it now. All you have to do is explain how she had TIF'd her way for more Section 8 housing. If she can do it in old Uptown, she certainly can do it in north Lakeview. I see a lot of places she would want to preserver like Hotel Chateau. It's only a matter of time till she TIF's her way down to a new tax base for more expanded Section 8 housing. Example....Park Place Tower alone has over 900 condo owners and they need to be aware of who the real Hellen is. You don't need to fabricate scare tactics. You just need to speak the truth and show examples of what she had done. Lack of care of public safety alone should sway a few voters.


  13. Actually, a lot of people south of Irving Park now know who she is. All of the assaults in boystown in the early part of last summer brought a lot of the community together (the Lakeview 911 people were very active), and a lot of people in north Lakeview learned who their alderman really was, and what her views on preventing violent crime were. I think this is part of why younger gay men detest her so, because they realized she is wiling to let them be victimized by the gang members she protects.

    And of course, everyone in the new luxury high rise at 828 West Grace knows who she is, and how she uses her office to benefit her friends and supporters. But I think she'd prefer that to stay a secret.
