Monday, June 21, 2010

Uptown: 1960 Bowling Mecca?

From back in the day, when Uptown entertainment was a little different...
A reader sent this in, and we're amused and delighted: "For your posting pleasure - a page from the 1960 Chicago Yellow Pages that a friend found and sent me. Bowling alleys at both 4812 North Clark (Uptown Bowl - "Cooled by refrigeration"!) and 1004 W Wilson (Sheridan Recreation - "58 Bowling Lanes... Chicago's Largest"). Maybe one of your readers know when they disappeared.

The Sheridan Recreation one must have been on the lot(s) where McDonald's is now. Can't even imagine that neighborhood 50 years ago."


  1. There was another bowling alley at 4365 Sheridan (at Montrose, in what's now the Jewel parking lot). You can see it here:
    4365 Sheridan.

  2. I used to bowl as a kid at the bowling alley where Rainbo condos are currently on Clark. Prior to becoming the Rock venue, The Kinetic Playground or the Eletric Theatre depending on what year (68 or 69)those days are fuzzy... Both owned by Aaron Russo of Bette Midler fame. Google it. He was a very interesting character in Uptown lore. Rainbo housed a bowling alley and a skating arena.

    Little known fact was that the Blackhawks(current talk of the town) practiced there in the 60s when the circus came to town and took over the Stadium. Yes, I saw Stan Mikita and Bobby Hull in their hey day without any security or cost involved. That shows you how things have changed.
