Thursday, May 6, 2010

TIF? What TIF? You Don't Need To Know About It (Just Pay Up)

Only a few days until the May 11, 2010 Chicago Community Development Commission hearing on the proposed Montrose Clarendon TIF ...

.... and according to the self-proclaimed “transparent” alderman, the project doesn’t exist.

UU Note:  Did anyone get a notice of hearing in the mail?  If so, we'd love to see a copy of it.  Send it in to


  1. In fairness to the alderman, the TIF doesn't exist.


    In fairness to the people of the ward, if our alderman's intention is to create another, I'm a bit surprised - based on her pledge of transparency - that she hasn't posted any mention of it on her website.

    Actually, I'm kidding.

    I'm not at all surprised.

    Let the mushroom gardening carry on.

  2. How much more of Helen's agenda can be rubber-stamped in 291 days, 22 hrs, 6 min, 46 sec.......

  3. If Helen's lips are moving you can bet she is lying.

  4. Want to see a mailed notification? Good luck with that. The developer must mail notifications to persons within 750 feet of the proposed TIF boundaries.

    But Wait! If a municipality has population over 100,000 it gets diluted. In that case (which is our case) the developer and Dept of Planning (now called the Dept of Community Development) can elect to send to only 175 persons in that 750 foot geographic zone.

    But Wait. The Dept gets to decide which 175 people out of the entire 750 foot zone it chooses to send to.

    But Wait! Want to guess who received the notifications? The notifications went almost exclusively to persons living in one highrise, 4300 N Marine Drive.

    But Wait! Isn't that the home of Alderman Helen Shiller's handpicked ward superintendent and isn't he on the condo board? Yeah, that's it.

    So, go ask you 46th Ward Streets and San Superintendent, Don Nowatny, for his copy.

  5. Thanks truthbearer!!! One good reason to avoid Nowotny's bid for alderman!!!!!

  6. Can someone please inform me all about this TIF stuff? I know a little but would like to know exactly what it is. Can someone enlighten me??
