Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Something To Consider

From the comments:
"The CHA scattered sites are mostly the townhomes and all have the green Woodlawn Mgt sign on the front.

Why give a rip about the distinction? Because CHA has it's own police force and security firm (Kales) that you can demand come to the area.

Stop wasting time calling the Woodlawn Mgt Company. They are only the physical property managers. The woman with the power to change things is CHA's Jadine Chou at JAChou@thecha.org.

She manages the area and can do for you what she has just done for the neighbors of the scattered site gang hangout at 5057 N Winthrop. She can meet with you and
1. install cameras outside and inside the scattered site building
2. post security guards at the door to id check those coming and going.
3. check for tenants not on the lease and check the eligibility of those on the lease (why did Black P stones with drug dealing histories even get leases in this building? Ask Clarence Woods, he knows.)
4. evict, according to the CHA lease, tenants who drug deal on or near the property or who house those who engage in such activities, even family members.

Mary Ann Smith called the meeting with Ms. Chou in the 48th Ward. Don't count on help from Helen Shiller. Have the block club do it or make the 23rd District Commander host it.

UU Note:
We hope all Uptown block clubs consider organizing a meeting if problem buildings exist in their boundaries.

Neighbors in the Argyle Winmore Block Club area are already hosting a meeting on May 19 at 6pm at Ald. Mary Ann Smith's office at 5533 N. Broadway
From their email blast:
"We need to have as many neighbors as possible attend to provide feedback on any improvements since implementing 24x7 armed guard security and new sign-in/out procedures within the property. We know that there are still issues in the neighborhood and it is possible other property managers from surrounding buildings will be in attendance. Together, we need to work together to hold property owners accountable and remove this crime activity from our neighborhood."


  1. The comment was related to some buildings on Magnolia that are within the Graceland Wilson Neighbors Association. Is this block club still active? The website is down: http://gwna.org/

    It's really quite needed in this stretch, if for nothing else than a public safety roll.

    If it isn't active, can UU use its influence/audience to help get this rolling again? I live in the boundaries and would really like to plug in.

  2. http://gwna.wordpress.com/

    That is the active site. It works from our Useful Links section.

  3. Thanks, although looks like last activity was almost two years ago...

  4. "Don't count on Helen," FOR SURE! Living on Helen's side of the street and MaryAnn's ward being just right across the street is why nothing gets done in this area. Shiller's office is of no assistance, no call backs, and no guidance. So, we reached out to Ald. Smith's office and they were right there ready to help. Since this particular issue on Winthrop is in Smith's ward, we are very proud to see her take the bull by the horns, help the community by hosting a meeting and inviting exactly the right characters in to assist (20th Commander, Jadine Chou of the CHA). From these meetings, we have been able to invoke change by documenting the issues and providing photo-proof of all the issues we experience on the streets. PLEASE come out on May 19th to carry the message and support us. Now it is on us to ensure we hold the CHA accountable and to their promises of surveillance, armed private police 24x7, and constant review of their tenant's background checks. They need to know we are fed up with the nonsense - no one should live like how some of us live throughout this ward.

  5. El-
    Sometimes if things are not going how you would like them to, you need to step up and take initiative. Why not create a facebook page for the Graceland Wilson Neighbors and look for more volunteers? This worked wonders for Magnolia Malden Neighbors. Just an idea.

  6. Like all block clubs, GWNA went into hybernation when its board burned out and only a few people turned up for meetings.

    I've been talking with neighbors while out walking my dogs--and people are interested in the block club, especially around 2 issues:
    --Crime & Safety
    --Gardening & functions and the Sunnyside Mall

    We're going to take the wise idea the Magnolia Malden did with Facebook and establishing block captains.

    Will send UU the information as soon as we're up and running.

  7. OMG.

    This post is very informative, thank you truthbearer. I wish I had your time and dedication. As far as UU is concerned, there are only about 2000 real fans, in a ward of 60,000 people. However, smart people check out this blog..

    Truthbearer, glad to see someone with some practical knowledge on this site! Yo also seems to know a little bit.....

  8. Having the extra security drive up and down the streets is a good thing, in theory. I wonder who monitors them? I've oberserved the same security urinating in the alley and sleeping in a parked security car on several occasions.

  9. @ Katharine -- thanks for the info, I'll look for you guys on Facebook. Glad there is some momentum here...

  10. Poker Girl??,

    you apparently have never posted before under that alias AND you criticize the private security hired by the CHA.

    Of course you hit on the perennial UU topic of public whizzing.

    Please, you Shillerista supporters need to be more creative.

    I see the Kales cars frequently and while I have seen them standing still I have yet to see the whizzing of the PPublic variety. Of course unlike Santa I don't see everything.

    Considering the driver of the car is typically female I truly wonder what your agenda is.

    Perhaps you can head over to Lake Effect News and post as "Franciscan Friar" or some combo of a Jewish and Hispanic surname.

    Really pick up your game or go play on some other website. If you can find any that don't ban your posts.

  11. pkr*grl isn't necessarily wrong about the security guys dozing in their cars. I don't know about the whizzing, but I've seen some CHA security guys not doing much in their cars.

    That is probably why they were made to get out of their car and stand in front of the scattered site building at N. Winthrop. Drive by and you will see security guys standing at the front door or on the sidewalk by the front gate.

    Boy, that would be great on 4400-4500 N Magnolia!

  12. Oops,

    I forgot.

    Vive la Resistance!

  13. TB,

    It's not that the scenario laid out by PokerGirl is unbelievable. It rings of truth or truthiness. It may be real and she may be real. Although, I kinda doubt it in this case.

    What reeks is the various attempts by one or more sad Shilleristas to create various "nom de guerre's" and post on various sites.

    Take a gander at the posts on Lake Effect News and the comments. It's clear who is posting there under various ID's.

    As the election season approaches we can expect more of these diversionary tactics.

    If Shiller runs again, and I don't claim to know if she intends to, you can expect more of these divide and conquer tactics.

    The Nowatny campaign, whether intended or not, is the perfect "diversionary" tactic for the Shilleristas as it will undoubtedly take votes away from a stronger candidate and possibly allow a weaker candidate to face Shiller in a runoff.

    Copy and paste and supply your own guesses as to who the "rubber dummy" is in this campaign.


  14. As a resident of North Winthrop, I think the best part of the 24/7 Kates security is seeing one of the gang bangers who used to come in and out of 5057 and harass neighbors, now have to stand outside the gate to visit his shorty and baby mama. Awesome!
