Friday, May 7, 2010

Mr. T Strikes Again

A reader sends in the following pic and info:
"Did Mr. T become the new manager of the Montrose Harbor’s Marovitz Golf Course? The ongoing carnage inflicted on our community’s old oaks sure looks alot like what Mr. T did when he gave his own Lake Forest property a chain saw cut.
This county golf course lies on Park District land. The Park District claims that this is not their problem and that the new golf course manager is only cutting down small, invasive weed trees and those with beaver damage. They also claim that the birders think that this is better for birding.
Not True! In addition to all the trees surrounding the golf course pond and the west end of Montrose Harbor, hundreds of yards of tall trees down the center of the course have been eliminated over the past few days.
Does this make any sense? Even in this budget crisis, the city justified buying and planting 600 park trees north of Montrose last August to eliminate greenhouse gases for those living in the Uptown community. Greenhouse gases must be eliminated! Pollution must be controlled! But, don’t the existing groves of 40 foot oaks that are being chopped down do just that?

Where is our faux green alderman while this is happening?"


  1. The Park District Natural Resource Manager was called an says that they are letting the Golf Club manager take down more than small weeds. Now they are letting them take down non-native (mulberries) trees, a few tall Maple trees, and trees damaged by the storms. But, no oaks.

    I don't know about that decision. I'd rather have the Maples trees and non-native trees than nothing at all. As a golfer, I suspect someone wanted a better shot to the pin.

  2. These trees are actually the exact same trees that grow in Waziristan in Pakistan where many of the terrorists who threaten our freedoms live.

    Experts in security at Homeland Security identified the trees, tested them using the latest high tech carbon technology and concluded that some, not all, could be sympathetic to Al Queda's twisted ideology.

    Homeland Security also noted that none of the trees play golf and that no Al Queda member has ever been know to play golf. Is this just a coincidence?

    Rumours to the effect that Bin Laden played golf and shot over 120 are probably not accurate according to sources that spoke to other sources on condition of anonymity.

    This is a wise decision. I suspect there are more out there. And these trees are waiting....waiting for the moment to strike
