Monday, May 24, 2010

MM Neighbors Brave The Heat For Clean Up

A Magnolia Malden Neighbors member sends in the following pic and info:
"I've attached a photo of some of the volunteers who came out yesterday in 90 degree heat to pick garbage and litter. Thanks to Jimmy John's for providing free sandwiches and to Nick's for providing free drinks. Hopefully the next clean up will be just as successful."


  1. Awesome!

    Does anyone know if there's a way to adopt a tree? I would like to pick a tree in my neighborhood and keep it cleaned and stocked with flowers underneath. I don't know if I can od this because I think the city owns the trees and the space beneath them.

    If Shiller and Nowotny don't lift a finger to do it, I'm sure someone else will. I like walking through a clean neighbrohood.

  2. well, you can do what we do and just pick up the trash that you walk by every day. once the "big haul" is done, there is relatively little to pick up every time you walk by. as for the flowers, it's called guerilla gardening. just do it.

  3. Thank you MM neighbors. I hope to make it to the next one.

  4. I'm so sad to see, just 3 days later, trash all over the streets. I helped clean up Sunday, and I'll be back out again the next time they do it. Gotta keep trying...
