Saturday, May 22, 2010

Four Years In The Fixing

A reader writes and sends in photos of a situation at Montrose Harbor that finally got fixed: "Don’t know if it was a result of a letter to the Park District law office, the soccer field dedication last Saturday, or the Uptown Update post, but the lamp post bases have been fixed.  Geez.. it only took 4 years of asking. These were some of the longstanding dangerous lamp posts at 600 W. Montrose at the Park Service Drive & Montrose Ave.; 300 W Montrose Harbor Drive at the end of the Montrose Beach house driveway; 4600 N Simmonds Drive; etc."

We remain amazed how long it takes, and how many requests, just to get some attention paid to these dangerous situations.  We're grateful for the perserverance and patience of Uptown's residents in continuing to call attention to these problems.  We're also really happy that they're fixed!


  1. Too busy working on spreading her political base....

  2. It was about time they are fixed as I have seen people spliced into them running buffers & paint sprayers not to mention the danger of kids pulling and playing with live wires that where exposed.
