Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don Nowotny Officially Joins Aldermanic Race

46th Ward Streets & San Superintendent Don Nowotny held his campaign kick-off rally last night and Lake Effect News was there.  Read all about it here.

(photo courtesy LEN)


  1. Any thoughts on Don wanting a moratorium on low income housing? Not saying I disagree as I think we are inundated with it as well, but isn't pretty bold of him to state that as one of his initiatives? I'd think it would surely cost him some low income voters.

    I'm still a little weary of him. Afterall, didn't Shiller appoint him? Is he only out to take votes from Cap? Guess we'll have to stay tuned.

  2. I think Don's a nice enough guy, but I'd take his stand against crime a little more seriously if he hadn't scheduled his kickoff at the exact same time as the CAPS meeting for the most crime-ridden beat in the entire ward.

  3. The moratorium on low income housing line sounds calculated to appeal to non-Shiller voters...but he is in Shiller's pocket. He may be a very nice guy, but I don't trust him.

  4. The debates is where we will be able to see who is the best candidate.

  5. larrynow said...

    The moratorium on low income housing line sounds calculated to appeal to non-Shiller voters...

    My thoughts exactly. Is Don a shill for Shiller or is he for real? I don't know.

    If you were going to design a candidate to draw votes from Cappleman and let Shiller run against a weaker candidate in a run off Don would be it. Gay, white, male, older and now he is for a moratorium on new low income housing. To quote "Laugh In", "VERYYYYYYYYYYYY Interesting".

    Is this some deep twisted conspiracy? Is someone in the Shiller campaign playing Machiavelli? Will Shiller get some of her blocs of voters to vote for someone they perceive easier to beat than Cappleman in the February election and then abandon that candidate for Shiller in a runoff?

    I hate to offend the "Moosh", because I know she is on the loose, but could that weaker candidate be Carroll? I truly am sorry to say I just don't think being a cop plays that well to a large group of 46th Ward voters.

    It all makes twisted sense in my bizarro Pirate world. That doesn't mean I think it's likely. Just possible.

    Given Shiller's campaign donations in the last few years I've seen a few names close to the Mayor from the sout' side. That is exactly how they would play an election like this. Divide and conquer.

    Now the most likely scenario is that Don is for real and wants to win. Being aldercritter would be more pay, a better pension, and likely less work than his current job.

    It's gonna be fun to watch.

    May the strongest real candidate against Shiller emerge.

    May the Farce be with us.

    Vive la Resistance!

  6. I only know of one person who mentioned Nowotny to me before he joined the race, and that woman was a psychotic foaming-at-the-mouth Shiller supporter. She indicated to me that Nowotny was pro-Shiller and supported her policies unconditionally. (This is also the woman who told me that Shiller was "in her back pocket" and that I shouldn't post a pro-Cappleman sign in my window because "Shiller knows who her supporters are, and aren't", essentially threatening me like a gun-toting member of the Shiller mob!)

    While Don may be a very nice man, I'm going to assume from my personal experience that this is all an elaborate plan intended to split the anti-Shiller vote so Shiller is placed in office again.

  7. I thought something smelled a little fish-farmy.

  8. I’m sure from what I hear Don is a very nice guy.
    In addition to what his plans are for the ward – the “three pillars of progress”. I’d like to know what he has done for the ward over the last 16 years other than what the tax payers paid him to do. Has his passion for helping the ward been demonstrated through specific actions? If so what?

    I like to look at past actions as a way of judging true commitment and truthfulness.
