Sunday, April 18, 2010

More "Fisticuffs" At Sheridan & Leland

A reader sends us this video showing early Friday morning hi-jinks near the Sheridan and Leland intersection. The police respond towards the end of the video.


  1. This is a straight up beating in the middle of the street. This is getting beyond embarassing to pathetic. And it was FRIDAY MORNING (per the caption).

    Are there enough jobs at Target for all these people so they can stop beating the crap out of each other during the day while many hard working people are off working so we can pay our taxes?

    I have an idea - How about we let market forces work, encourage development around the Target, and create more jobs for people who live right here in Uptown. Although, in order to do that, we really might want to think about not tolerating this type of behavior on our streets...Just saying.

    Or...How about a Fish Farm? That sounds nice too.

  2. I can't see the video [at work]. Does anyone know exactly when this was on Friday? Was it students? Any arrests?

  3. I find it amazing that this even happens. Images of "escape from New York" come to mind.

    Why don't we take an island, wall it off, dump all the people there, drop tons of ammunition and tell them.. Go at it . You really want to fight and kill each other... go ahead, do it in a safe sealed enviroment where your actions don't affect others.

    It really shows what animals they are. People with respect.. and I hear that term used a lot with from lower income individuals, need to respect each other first and treat people like human beings.

  4. Meg, it happened at around 9am... it was people in their 20s, not students... and the others around them were encouraging the one to beat the hell out of the other...there was NO attempt to stop it until the cops arrived... Think about that the next time you are walking with your child down the street.. someone jumps you and no one helps you... and then thank Helen for encouraging this behavior

  5. Why didn't the person filming yell to get their attention?

  6. Why didn't the person filming yell to get their attention?

    Hey! You hooligans doing the fistacuffs! Up here in Unit 12 C! I'm filming you!

    Waaa? You wanna know my name? It's hard to hear you from up here in unit 12 C!

    John. John Q Public!

  7. I've lived in and around uptown since 1998. It has definitely gone way down hill, but of course it has, what can any of us expect when it is one of two locations in Chicago that does NOT screen public housing for DRUGS. So while all of the hard working, tax paying citizens in the area go to work... the area crumbles away. We go to work so that we can pay for their drug rehab right there in Uptown and then we can pay for them to go right back out on the street, buy drugs and go to their public housing that we provide for them... and the cycle they are in goes on and on.
    Pretty slick what they did in the area selling expensive homes and condos to unsuspecting buyers, selling them on the idea that the area is turning around. Great way to bring in revenue for the area.
    We need reform now. No more hand outs. It only worsens and grows the cycle of people dependent on the government (that's us, the citizens... just for those who have forgotten).
    Wake up Chicago! Lets get rid of the disgusting politicians we have!

  8. Looks like a gang beat-in to me. They used to do them in the underpass between the dog beach and the Lawrence Avenue parking lot but there is too much activity in that area now.

  9. Looking forward to being home tomorrow, Sun shine and blood running hot and flowing on the streets of Uptown. I don't know of any solutions as the violence is seemingly everywhere. What became of the idea of asking the Guardian Angels to patrol?

  10. These guys are so brazen, doing things in broad daylight with high rises looking down on them. They clearly think/know they own the streets in that area and do not fear the police.

    Amazing too, that they do this in the same area where many city and ward offices are location, i.e. the Dept of Human Service and the 46th Ward Streets & San office.
