Monday, April 12, 2010

LEN: "And Then There Were Four"

Don Nowotny gave a call to Lorraine Swanson of Lake Effect News today and confirmed the rumors:  He's running.

Read the article in Lake Effect News.


  1. Nowotny did not request a ... sit-down with Shiller. “I didn’t tell her,” he said.

    uh huh.

  2. I don't know anything about this guy, but I do know he looks like a magician, and that makes me nervous. Magicians are creepy.

  3. Chicago, land of the stinky onion.

    This is like an onion.

    Keep peeling back the BS and perhaps somewhere, something resembling the truth will appear.


    at least he doesn't resemble a clown. He may be a clown, but time will tell.

  4. He's got a good reputation in the community as the person to call for city services from what I hear. That being said, I think he's "in" with the city and will continue Helen and the city's Tif rape of the community... instead of directing property tax funds to schools, parks, and police where they were intended.

  5. I like clowns but this one will not get my vote from what I hear about him from some of my friends that delt with him in the past....

  6. I've dealt with Don for years on various S&S situations and he's been extremely responsive each time I've brought something to his attention. I like him and appreciate what he's been able to do for this block.

    Which has nothing to do with how he'll do as an aldermanic candidate. Just sayin'.

  7. Don presented to the ad-hoc neighborhood committee prior to the last election. While I had/have great personal positive feelings towards him, admiration for his accomplishments and respect for the quality of his work at S&S, he really didn't articulate then WHY he wanted to run, so I couldn't get behind him on that.

    In reading these two articles, I'm still not getting a sense of that. Then and now, he's not articulating a need for change very well, much less that he is the man for that change. And while it's only two short articles so far, he had plenty of opportunity last time.

    Though I don't really believe that he's a shill (presumably designed to split the opposition vote). First, I don't think that's in his character. He's a good guy. And, second, if that were the case, he would have gone ahead with his campaign last time.

    Though I do have to give him props on that logo/button design. The site design definitely needs work (seriously, a professional firm did that?) it is a great logo.

  8. Don Nowhatknee is perhaps the great American Hero.

    He grew up in a trailer park in suburban Lisle. His father was a store front finder, his mother a RCA television repairwoman. He learned the value of hard work and a pony tail at an early age.

    Don Notwhatknee, or as his friends call him,
    "Dunno " is man who stood up for the little guy when the little guy was really little and helped the big guy when the big guy felt he wasn't big enough and needed more big.

    He believes in America. He believes in Justice. He believes in what our nations founders strove for.... ...Pursuits.

    He' s a strover like no other.

    He believes in the principles that have made this great nation the greatest nation in the history of the known Universe.

    He supports our military, our brave young fighting men. women and flying drones.

    If Uptown were to face a crisis and the military were called in. Don Nowhatknee would direct them successfully in door to door searches of homes, apartments, lean to's, lumpy blankets and corrugated refrigerator boxes searching for weapons that might be used by those who would seek to undermine the Uptownian way of life, our culture, our customs and our voracious shopping.

    If Uptown needs a Drone to man our skies and protect our freedom of movement. Donwhatknee can get us one.

    He's a strong man. A truth teller. Very opinionated and he's not afraid to say what's on his mind.

    And if sometimes telling the truth gets him in trouble well, that's just too bad. He's not going to compromise his principles just to get elected.

    That's Donowhatknee.

    Donknowhatknee...."He's not like all those Other Politicians."

  9. The only thing I'm sure about Nowotny running is that this is going to be one fun election to watch.

    If I had to venture a guess I would say he is serious about running and is not a "shill". I could be wrong.

    It's a whole lotta work to run and not be serious about it.

    As for Shiller running I would watch to see if she is taking any unpaid "furlough" days. If she is that would be an indication she is seriously considering running again.

    If Shiller does run the likely initial outcome is Shiller versus ? in an April runoff.

    The outcome for that would likely be a Shiller loss.

    Target opening will be a boon to her. The few hundred votes she gets directly out of Wilson Yard will be a boon.

    That being said the property tax increases that are going to hit real estate tax bills in this ward come next November or so will be devastating to weak incumbents.

    Couple that with targeted mailings highlighting the cost of the individual housing units at Wilson Yard and the wacky idea of a taxpayer "fish farm" and she has a better chance of being the first female Dalai Lama than getting reelected. Perhaps I engage in a teeny bit of hyperbole there.

    Hold on, the ride is just beginning.

  10. How about we hold judgment until we get the facts on the candidates? Are we so scorned and cynical in this ward that now make up things about candidates?

    "I don't know anything about this guy, but I do know he looks like a magician Magicians are creepy."

    How is that constructive to change in the 46th Ward UU?

    Why the Snarky comments? I know Don, and he seems like a nice guy. Am I going to vote for him? I don't know yet, but I am sure going to at least listen to what he has to say. None of us have any facts at this point about his platform. I have talked with him, and told him some of my feelings about Helen. He didn't challenge me to a duel.

    If we start bashing and speculating as soon as someone makes strides to get their name on the ballot we will soon have no one willing to run. Yeah I know "Politics are Dirty." That doesn't mean we have to sink to that level when evaluating potential candidates.

  11. Chip, Politics 101:
    When declaring your candidacy, have a little information on what specific action items you will do.

    Hint: Being a good guy and doing your job don't count.

    I will be looking at a candidate's past history of work for change in the ward that wasn't job related, the person's ability to communicate, and the person's strategic plans for the ward and the city. That substantially lowers the selection for me.

  12. Holy,

    Calling him a "Clown", "Shill", and comparing him to a "Creepy Magician" is not in the "Politics 101" handbook.

    Our political system has become perverted enough. A Year and a half later and Pirate is still cracking Palin jokes? It's a wonder we get anywhere.

    As far as Don "having a little information on what specific action items you will do." Have you been to Michael Carroll's page yet? He lists under issues "Detailed list of commmunity issues to follow shortly "

    And YES he spelled COMMUNITY wrong.

    While you feel inclined to hand it over to James on a silver platter no questions asked I feel that James in the kind of man who would want to earn it through honest debate and merit. Just a hunch.

  13. MarathonMan1977,

    speaking of hookers and aldermanic candidates seems redundant.

    Anyway my hookers might not what to be referenced in the same postings as pols.

    Now as to Molly Phelan running it is likely she has considered it.

    Unfortunately, Molly was the 46th Ward coordinator for the Terry O'Brien for County Board Prez campaign. Google around. I don't want to post a link because Terry O'Brien(TOB) strikes me as a paler version of Todd Stroger and is unworthy of any mention except to mention he went down to DE FEET.

    If Phelan runs that will be used against her. Preckwinkle kicked ass generally and specifically in this ward. Any reasonable person would say O'Brien is a machine guy.

    O'Brien got many pols children summer jobs a few years back in the Water District. Mini Scandal. Such reformers as Alderman "I'm a millionaire" Pat O'Connor were involved in that one.

    Now perhaps Molly had a good reason to support TOB. Are they related? Both north side families. Both Irish descent.

    My guess is she made a political judgment that TOB would be the winner and that as such aligning herself to him would be a good move. She chose poorly.

    I thought TOB would do better than he did, but I was happily surprised at how well Preckwinkle did. I expected her to win, but not so overwhelmingly. Outside some heavily Irish and/or machine areas Preckwinkle largely won everywhere. The days of racial politics aren't dead, but it's not 1983 anymore.

    It was unfortunate for Molly because with all the males in the race she would have had a good chance of making the runoff just based on gender. Especially if Shiller doesn't run.

    Now 200 pounds of north side Irish machine hack(TOB) will be tied around her neck if she attempts to run for aldercritter.

    Where does that leave us boys and girls? I dunno. There are still other potential female candidates and maybe a male or three.

    If Quigley and Claypool endorse Walz she might be a formidable candidate. They gotz lotsa reformist cred in dis ward.

    Stay tuned for the next episode of as the Ward Turns.........same Batty Channel.....Same Batty Commenters!


    Dear Wannabee Aldercritters.

    Might it not be time to align thyselves with St. Claypool of the Forrest? Help with petitions?

    The first bit of advice is free.

    The next will cost ya!

  14. Chippie,

    get those thoughts of Palin wearing leather out of your outta your right wing mind.

    Whoever runs for alderman in this ward and wins is going to have to earn it. There are just too many candidates to make it an easy victory.

    Which is good.

    By the way I didn't refer to PonyTailCleanupMan as a clown. It's just that clowns are nearly as creepy to some people as magicians.

    Ponytails on anyone not female and over the age of 10 strike me as silly, but what the hell do I know? I've had the same haircut for thirty years. At least Don isn't known for showing excessive cleavage as another 60 something well known Uptown resident is.

    Ah cleavage. Now Chip's thoughts will go back to Sister Sarah in leather. Riding a horse with a whip in her hand and silver spurs on her boots.............

  15. Chip, I never said James. You did after I listed off the requirements I want to see before I vote.

  16. So, we don't know what Don is for let alone against?


  17. "I don't really believe that he's a shill"


    I guess it's just a happy coincidence for Herself that a ward employee steps up who so neatly splits the pale gay guy vote

    one of those things

  18. up here in the 50th downwind from the MWRD we are bit more familiar with native son TOB

    any race you see TOB in, thinking persons are anybody but

    anybody with a TOB campaign on their CV needs to consider trimming some detail

  19. "Now 200 pounds of north side Irish machine hack(TOB) will be tied around her neck if she attempts to run for aldercritter."

    why wait?

    let's get started

    Water district chief owns firm that helps polluters

    Greg Hinz

  20. Deals keep sewage boss flush

    O'Brien companies have made millions from government

    By Tim Novak The Chicago Sun-Times
    Publication: Chicago Sun Times
    Date: Monday, November 2 2009

  21. Terry O'Brien: The Sewage King of Chicago.

    Personally, I'd rather be the sausage king of Chicago.

    Guess the movie reference and appear with Hugh on a future episode of Chicago Tonight.

  22. I'd vote for the Totem Pole off of Addison in the park, versus who we have now......ANY ONE who can cut through the fog and the murk.

  23. I'd circulate petitions and defend a petition challenge for that totem pole.

  24. I seen Don around ALL the time. He told me the other day that he's been in the ward for 16 years. That's gotta count for something. It'll be interesting to watch him campaign, cause he doesn't seem like your typical politico... probably a good thing.

  25. Uptown biker,what has he done around the ward besides his job? Name one thing. Just one. If you have to pause and think about it, then perhaps you'll understand why some people aren't jumping on this bandwagon.

  26. Maybe UptownBiker likes the whole pony tail thang Donny has going on.

    As I have stated before this is going to be a fun election to watch.
