Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gang Awareness Seminar, Part 2

This is a follow-up to the previous meeting held last fall.  We didn't attend, but regretted it.  Here's a second chance to find out about the gangs that thrive in our community, and what residents can do to limit their influence.


  1. jesus.....i was just talking with an uptown friend abotu how he is going to start having to punch kids in the face for hollering at his wife. I told him to be careful due to all the shootings...young kids with guns and a rep to prove is a bad combo. He lives on sheridan and wilson - go figure. I live in ravenswood and the Latin Kings are super nice over there...never harrash people. This is what it has come down to...i like gang maembers that are curtious. sad.

  2. I also live on Sheridan and Wilson, and I have (thankfully) met more courteous people -- whether or not they are gang members, I don't know -- than nasty or rude. I get a lot less hollering, and a lot more door-holding. I truly believe its all about the attitude that you hit the streets with. If someone is looking at you funny, just smile and say "Hi! How ARE you!?" (this suggestion from my old #78 bus driver) -- people are almost always taken off guard by exaggerated friendliness, and at least it shows you don't have anything to hide or run from.

  3. I'll be working at that time but I'd be very interested in a break down of their points afterwards... any chance someone from this blog is attending and could post notes?

  4. How can you help but be aware as summer is near and I have already seen plenty of their unsafe and unhealthy conditions they cause. Gunshots can be heard already coming from the north end of Clarendon Park as usual. Gang infested as usual..........

  5. Hey NNSSLS, I've been reading some of your idealistic rants and find it so fascinating you are sticking to your position on this topic considering the reality of the situation. I am actually the friend with the wife from the orginal comment by m.whitmire, just last night after returning from a weekend trip, my wife and I hopped out of our cab and witnessed a drive by shooting. BLAM BLAM, and the van toar ass down Sunnyside from Hazel, 1:30 AM on a sunday night. Beleive me, I don't "fear the color" as you implied in one of your other posts, i fear the bullets wizzing by my family's head's.
