Tuesday, March 23, 2010

No Support From Ald. Shiller?

A reader writes in:
"Where’s Helen? She must not be in agreement with this ordinance before the City Council because it does not require that at least 75% of TIF funds be allocated to affordable housing, as is the case in her ward."

More info via "Chicago Coalition for the Homeless"

even more info via the City Clerk


  1. The housing would be created for average residents of the city who pay their tax dollars into the TIFs and deserve the benefits. TIF dollars are property tax dollars that the city uses to develop certain neighborhoods.

    While people who need affordable housing do pay taxes, they don't pay taxes into TIFs - unless, of course, they're property owners.

    As for Helen's involvement: there are enough sponsors on this thing that she's not needed.

    She's happy to keep her head down to avoid being caught in line at the TIF trough ... until, of course, she votes for it.

    Or .. maybe she doesn't think 20% is enough. The WY commitment is considerably higher than that.

  2. What do the Wison Yard Apartments look like on the inside? What materials are used?

    Why is this so hard to find out?

  3. Stu,

    From what I understand, the information you are seeking can be found at the alderman's office.

    Why it isn't here only brings up more questions.
