Monday, March 22, 2010

LEN Reports On The Maryville TIF/Lakeview Station Development

Lake Effect News has a couple articles on the proposed Maryville TIF, and the community meetings and traffic studies sponsored by the would-be developers.  Read about it at LEN exclusively (you won't see it anywhere on the alderman's website).
  • Financing Maryville Development Is A Challenge.  "If lining up financing for a massive residential and commercial development with a $350 million price tag in the worst economy since the Great Depression were easy, everyone would be doing it."
  • Traffic Improvements Come With A Loss At Uptown Development.  "The developer of a proposed residential and commercial development on the former Columbus-Maryville campus and his traffic consultant presented a traffic study that examined the development’s impact on traffic flow to representatives from Uptown condominium associations and block clubs last Tuesday, March 16."


  1. Sedgewick isn't contributing anything to fix up the field house they are using money out or our TIF money they are after.

  2. Wake up everybody. Shiller has already pissed away $58 million of our tax money. Now she's got another $54 million for a total of $112 million and NOT ONE DIME HAS GONE TO CLARENDON PARK.

    We don't need another TIF for funding Clarendon Park renovations.

    Clarendon Park falls under the same guidelines as Millenium Park did with the Central Loop TIF. And Millenium Park got $95 million from the Central Loop TIF.

    If you'd like to learn more about what's going on with Uptown becoming the most-TIFFED neighborhood in Chicago, how millions are pouring out of our parks, schools, etc, and what we are going to do about it, sign up for Uptown Neighborhood Council
    emails at

  3. After attending the meeting downtown where the WY TIF amendment was passed, I am so discouraged in the process that I am not even going to fight this one. The committee that decides this is just a rubber stamp. If it makes it that far, it is already decided. The only way to change things is in the voter booth.

  4. Ralphabet, that's exactly what Shiller and the bobbing-Daley-heads, better known as the CDC, want you and all the TIF paying citizens to do.

    They want you to give up, shut up, and pay up.

    Time to change the process and the people we've elected. Voting is just one small part of change.

  5. Sedgwicks property on Grace Street - next to Gill Park in LAKEVIEW -- has the same community attributes that would qualify it as a TIF as does the Uptown property at Clarendon and Montrose (and 2 low income housing developments in need of rehab next door to boot). So why does Uptown need to fund Sedgwicks development with a TIF when in Lakeview Sedgwick funded its own development and only contributed money to renovate the Gill Park "Vertical Park"?

    Do Shiller and the Mayor and City Dept of Housing treat Boystown / Lakeview differently than it treats Uptown? Oh hell, YES.
