Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wanna Do Lunch With Ald. Shiller?

Uptown Business Partner's Annual Winter Luncheon
With Special Guest Speaker 46th Ward Alderman Helen Shiller.
Join us for an update on what's happening in the 46th Ward, network with peers and enjoy a delicious lunch!

Tuesday, Feb. 23

Fontana Grill & Wine Bar
1329 West Wilson Avenue

$25 For Chamber Members/$30 For Non Members
Pay in advance or at the door.




  1. How much is she being paid for being a "guest speaker"? She has to be receiving some compensation otherwise she would not show up. The only time you see Shiller is when he pockets get lined.

    What is she going to say at this luncheon? "Hey everyone things are great for me in Uptown I have over 100 million of your tax dollars to spend how I want and I don't have to answer to anyone." I am sure she will paint a pretty picture of the state of affairs of Uptown. Everything will be perfect in Uptown: thriving businesses, no crime, clean streets, and an Alderman who cares about everyone's opinions. It's a Utopian society that every community in America should strive to be like.

    I am sure if anyone attends this luncheon and states to ask her hard questions she will just storm off and head to her home office to work on her Human Relations position with the city of Chicago.

  2. Bet she doesn't even show. "Unforseen circumstances"

  3. How much is she being paid for being a "guest speaker"?

    better question: how much are YOU paying for her to be guest speaker?

    The host org Uptown Business Partners is almost entirely funded from public subsidies derived from property tax revenue. The traditional election year luncheon is their profound expression of gratitude, not to the taxpayer, but to the public servant that makes it happen.

    On top of which they want to charge you for access to your elected representative.

  4. Hugh, or anyone else... if true that it is an organization paid by tax dollars, would they not be subject to the Open Meetings law and anyone could attend for free and they cannot limit who is and is not invited?

  5. I don't know but I suspect it's grants from the City so they are probably not under the same open meeting laws.

  6. Lunch? Is locally farmed fish on the menu?

  7. "'s grants from the City..."

    technically Uptown Business Partners is not funded under "grants" from the taxpayers, they operate under contract with the City; Uptown Business Partners is a City contractor

  8. Ahh Hubert... Back with your boring LIES!

  9. I know that when I signed up to be on their mailing list, I expressed interest in the organization and asked for a budget. The response was much like our alderman's...none.

  10. Let me get this right... You signed up for our mailing list. Then expressed an interest in the organization and asked for a copy of the budget. I'm sorry we didn't drop what we were doing and get you a copy ASAP.

    Are you a business owner in Uptown? We would love to have you join. If not, there is still no reason you cannot be involved! The board is made up entirely of volunteers and we could always use more. Would you be willing to serve on a committee?

    What interests you the most about Uptown and how do you feel you can help? Public Safety committee? Membership? Wreath program (with the SSA). We have a strategic planning meeting coming up this summer that would only take up two or three afternoons.

    Please call me. My cell number is 773 972-5619.

  11. Paul,

    I would like to be my own personal TIF.

    Work on that for me, ok?

    I'm thinking I can get an aquarium, put it in my window, and call myself the "Uptown Aquatic Life Museum".

    I figure a few hundred grand a year will do me.

    Also I'd like some money from the Wilson Yard TIF to fund my outreach to "horizontal entertainment specialists".

    That will be more expensive. Figure $2000 a day. Like Tiger Woods I have an insatiable appetite for helping such ladies.

    While your at it get another parking lot at taxpayer expense to help your business. You should really think of yourself some time. You are entirely too altruistic.

    Remember Paul, I'm going to run for Mayor. Unlike a certain Tattoo Shop Owner/Business leader who ran for Mayor of his suburb I intend to win.

    I foresee a rezoning along north Broadway precluding tattoo shops and only allowing upscale methadone clinics and perhaps another bong shop or twelve.


    Although, I will place it on YOUTUBE.

  12. One of the benefits of incumbency is you get your own taxpayer-funded booster organization. It's a uniquely Chicagoan form of public funding of campaigns, so far it's only available to incumbents. In general, I favor public funding of campaigns, but Chicago's implementation is a bit skewed.

    Shiller's challengers (already lining up) should schedule a la carte donation requested fundraiser luncheons for Tues 2/23 11:45-1:00.

  13. Sp Paul, you must know the Paris boys. F. Martin senior was Pres. of River Forest when your made your pathetic attempt at chief exec of River Grove. What's with you near west suburban types' fascination with Uptown? The pols cheaper here?

  14. Nope, never heard of the Paris boys.

    By the way Hugh, ever get your property taxes paid? Loser.

  15. Hey Paul and Hugh,

    I'm fine with your discussion regarding business partners, but let's try to keep it civil and on topic. If the name calling continues or escalates, I will start rejecting comments.


  16. Fair enough. I will not post on this topic again. If anyone wants to talk about it I am easy enough to get a hold of.

  17. Methinks Hugh and Paul need to realize how much they bring to each other.

    Breathe in the Tao of Debbie...........if you can stand it.........

  18. FWIW, I got roughly the same treatment when I volunteered to assist with the SSA when it was being formed.

    Hell, I even had experience working with another SSA in the city, and I couldn't get the time of day from these people. No, I didn't own a retail business in Uptown, but I did run a business, and I have plenty of really, really useful skills and resources.

    It was very much like the first question you get when volunteering for a political campaign in Chicago - "Who sent you?". If you don't have the right answer, you're not getting in, no matter what you claim to bring to the table.

  19. I and many reading this are old enough to remember when "chamber" meant business owners chipping in dues for their mutual benefit. Late in the reign of Richard II we find a series of branch offices of his administration propped up through the power of taxation. And a "business leader" is someone with just the right lack of self-respect where they'll take the hand-out with all the strings, yet not want it publicly known they're on the dole.

    And I and many reading this are old enough to remember when you either took public money, or you got involved in politics, but not both. These days I guess we are so desensitized to public corruption that of course we expect taxpayer-funded groups to politic for incumbents.
