Thursday, January 14, 2010

National Day Of Service - Join In!

From Ald. Gene Schulter (47th Ward):

President Obama has asked the nation to celebrate Monday, January 18th, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, with a day of community service. Join me and Senator Heather Steans in serving our local community. During the day, projects will include assisting seniors with shoveling and winterizing their homes, painting rooms at a local school, and several other repair and clean up projects for local non-profits and people in need. Projects are available for participants of any age.

To RSVP, email or call 773-348-8400. You can also email or call 773-769-1717. Please include your name, address, email address, and phone number. After you submit your RSVP, you will be contacted with with a list of volunteer opportunities.

Participants are also encouraged to bring new or gently used winter clothing and unused personal care products to be distributed to local non-profit organizations. If you are unable to participate that day, you can still donate new or gently used winter clothing--including winter coats. Please feel free to drop these items off at the 47th Ward Public Service Office.  Thank you for your commitment to our community!

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