Sunday, January 31, 2010

Buttercup Playlot Advisory Council Forming

Concerned and active neighbors are getting together to form an advisory council for Buttercup Playlot, located at Sheridan and Ainslie, right next to McCutcheon School.  Volunteers are welcome and needed!  The effort is in conjunction with the Sheridan Road Task Force and it's a great way to get involved with like-minded neighbors.

The first meeting is Thursday, February 11, at 6:45pm at the Margate Park Field House.  The agenda will include (1) determination of community interest; (2) nominations for BPAC Officers; and (3) setting the dates for meeting and elections.  Hope to see you there.


  1. leave it up to IP to come up with a humorous angle, the link is really funny. that said, if you live in and around buttercup park i would say go to this meeting. at the sheridan rd. task force meeting there was some mentioning of the park being redesigned, so as neighbors we need to be a part of the future of this little park. maybe this time the design will help solve some of the problems of the area - especially if sommerset gets better management

  2. Here's a great Buttercup!
