Tuesday, December 1, 2009

CTA Open House Reminder

As we posted earlier, the CTA will be conducting Open Houses as a part of their "Vision Study." Tomorrow night's Open House will focus on a majority of the stations in Uptown.

We've seen a lot of constructive feedback in the comments of this blog for our battered El stations in Uptown. Tomorrow night is the time for your voice to be heard! If you have concerns about our El stations - please bring your suggestions for possible solutions.

Here are the details for the Open House:

Wednesday, December 2, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Argyle, Lawrence, Wilson and Sheridan stations

Truman College, 1145 W. Wilson, Lecture Hall C Room 364

1 comment:

  1. Here's a suggestion:

    The CTA needs to do to Wilson (and the rest of the red line) what they did to the Brown line stops.

    What else is there to discuss?

    While I'm glad to see the doors open to the public, I'm not quite sure what else is needed.

    Looks to be more of the same ol' kicking the can (and the much needed improvements) down the road.
