Please drop off donated items during December and January at the following locations: Dollop Coffee & Tea (4181 N Clarendon), Nick's Uptown (4015 N Sheridan), Standard Bank (836 W Irving Park), and Erehwon Mountain Outfitters on North Avenue.
If you'd like to make a monetary donation instead, you can do so online at our website (click on the Paypal button next to "Donation"). If you'd like to submit a check, please make it out to "Buena Park Neighbors" and mail to Buena Park Neighbors, P.O. Box 13018, Chicago, IL 60613
Monetary donations are tax deductible! Thanks so much for your generosity to support the children in our neighborhood this holiday season! If you have any questions, please e-mail us at general@buenaparkneighbors.org.
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