Friday, October 16, 2009

Positive Loitering Tonight : Sheridan & Leland

Update: Think you're not needed? A post to UU's Facebook page today: "Good...because there was just a riot of about 40 gangbangers fighting in the middle of Sheridan and Leland. I called the police at 4:53 and they were there in seconds. Way to go Blue!"

Rain or shine, it's on! The call is out for positive loiterers to meet at Sheridan & Leland tonight from 7-8 PM. Depending on the number of folks who show up, and their wishes, we may split up into groups and/or head for different locations.

The community continues to support the efforts to make Uptown safer for everyone. Bless their hearts, Cafe Too is offering free coffee and tea so positive loiterers can stay warm and toasty. Soggy Paws has donated doggie treats for the canine loiterers. And Uptown Chicago Commission sponsors it.

Positive Loitering is a great way to come out and meet new neighbors and start taking back our neighborhoods from those who are creating this violence. Please come out and show our strength as a neighborhood.

Bring your dog, bring your neighbors, bring your friends, bring your enthusiasm. The invitation is extended to all concerned residents of Uptown.


  1. Congratulations, gangbangers. My future wife happened to be driving by when this happened. You just officially sealed the deal that we won't be living in Uptown when we are married because she will never feel safe in the area now. Thank you Shiller, Daley and Chicago! I've been officially forced to move to the suburbs because people are idiots.

  2. Can we get more information on this riot at the yes, the same corner where the "what is it about this particular video" was shot...

  3. I just got back from that area and spoke with many bystanders. It appears the conflict was with the Gangster Disciples and Latin Kings.

    One person told me he heard yesterday that the conflict was going to occur today and let the police know. When it happened, the police were already prepared. Police presence is usually bumped up right when school lets out, but this conflict occurred later than usual.

    I'm going to positive loitering tonight and hope many of you can join us. We want to be sure that we tell people who pass by that we're neighbors looking out for one another and to consider joining us. It can't be an "us & them" thing if we're going to make any impact. We have to work together to help forge some solutions.

  4. Oops, it's Gangster Disciples and Vice Lords. Sorry about that.

  5. This riot was no different than any other that takes place every couple of days. Today was a group of about 40 yelling, taunting and some actually fist fighting at about 4:50 p.m. I watched it from my balcony and my husband was in his car stuck in the middle of it. They pour out into the street and disrupt traffic...making it almost stop completely. Then they all run when the cops arrive. There is usually a group of girls that run around cheering and chasing after them all. Once the cops leave, they come back out and start all over again. My family and I are moving out of Uptown next Friday. I just hope we can make it out before we become innocent bistanders.

  6. I was driving down Lawrence towards Sheridan and saw a bunch of gang bangers dispersing because the cops arrived. A cop passed me right near the el station and smashed into the Uptown Lounge then proceeded to arrest a guy. I've never seen anything this bad in the year I've lived here.

  7. The fight must have lasted some time. There were a group of 6-8 at the Lawrence El at 5:40 or so, looking back toward Sheridan and yelling. About 12-15 more appeared and the fight resumed at the gates of the El. Police response was fairly quick since a bike officer was following the larger group. One against 20 wasn't very effective though.

    Most just ran off as backup arrived.

  8. I was at driving at Sheridan and Montrose at ~6pm and while stuck at the light, got to experience the two bums who were sprawled out and drugged out of their minds. They were screaming at no one and yet I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the CPD paddy-wagon pull up and take them away. Keep calling 911 people, we will be heard.

  9. the police show up and sit in their car...Has anyone actually ever seen any of the police get out of a car and do a actual chase or arrest?
    If they had knowledge that this was going to happen prior to when it did take place then why wasn't any of the police prepared to cuff and book these guys?

  10. The squad cars are more present for sure.
    At about 7 or so Thursday night, one car showed up at the mini mall at Wilson and Magnolia, and about 12 thugs and thugettes scrambled away.

  11. pozone, I have 6-10 cops in my front yard tonight looking for a gun chasing down the bad guys, and telling me to get inside. SO YES THEY GET OF THE CAR AND CHASE THE BAD GUYS!!!!!! As a matter of fact I believe that may have caught one of these guys tonight (I was listening to my scanner after I got pushed out of my own front yard because some thugs are running around with guns!!)
    Be a little thankful, these guys/girls are busting butt to keep us all safe. What are you doing to make a difference?

  12. grammer/spelling is bad but I am a little more than pissed about the situation....sorry Mrs. Kincaid (my 3rd grade Enlgish )

  13. JACK said...
    I've been officially forced to move to the suburbs because people are idiots.

    Be careful out there in the burbs!

    List of gangs by suburb
