The children with weapons keep misbehaving:
From Reader 1 at 4:21: "I just heard a few gunshots on Sheridan between Gunnison and Ainslie, and saw a bunch of people running down Sheridan toward Lawrence. One guy (black male early 20s I think) was holding his arm and appeared to have been grazed."
Reader 2: "Somewhere near McCutcheon there were 3 or 4 shots at 4:20pm. One of the guys must have been hit in the arm because the other guys, gang related of course, walked the wounded guy to the hospital."
Reader 3: "Just heard on the scanner, a shooting at 833 W. Lawrence at 4:30PM. Victim is hispanic and 16 years old, was shot in the arm and is in stable condition. The police are looking for two hispanic offenders one 15 y/o and the other 16 y/o. White shirts and one with long hair in a pony tail; shooter has a black gun in a brown paper bag."
Reader 4 at 4:59: "Shooting @ Lawrence and Clarendon. No further details, yet."
We don't know if these are the same incident or not. The details are always foggy right at the beginning. But fercryinoutloud, this idiocy has GOT to stop. Please come to your CAPS meetings and see what we can do, together, to stabilize our neighborhood from these gang idiots.
Update from the comments: "The shooting occurred in the 4800 block of North Sheridan. The victim fled on foot to where he was met by police at 833 W. Lawrence."
Just came home from work. At 5 pm on corner of ainslie and sheridan a few cop cars and corner taped off with police tape. Crime scene had little markers over shell casings. That's all I saw
ReplyDeleteI'm "Reader 1" and there was an incident near McCutcheon on Sheridan - that was not 833 W Lawrence - I doubt I would have heard that and people were definitely running south on Sheridan away from the sounds of gunshots.
ReplyDeleteIt's strange that two guys would have been shot in the arm, right? The guy I saw holding his arm up and pointing at it didn't appear to be too concerned, so maybe he was holding his arm to demonstrate what happened to another guy?
Still getting worse by the day. I hope businesses and residents take up on supporting the Guardian Angels and let them start makeing a sweep of all these punks before it`s too late. It seems everyone like to make a fuss about these dam gangs but when it boils down to it nothing wants to be done by the ones who yell the loudest....
ReplyDeleteNow is the time when 'Roger Roger' posts something like "shootings in a residential are perfectly acceptable on a Wednesday afternoon in September. If you don't like it, leave."
ReplyDeleteDrumroll, please...
This was one block from my house. I have had it. I know that Schiller is not responding, but what about Mary Ann Smith? Can we engage her in this? It is all one Uptown and we need the most support we can get. It is getting worse, right? This am on my way to work there were gangbangers hanging out at Sheridan and Lawrence and it made me so angry... can you call the cops if they are just hanging out there?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think that if there are specific issues that a critical mass of letter writing would help in, then maybe they can be posted as a side bar on the blog with suggested letter models as word files. I do believe that if we bombard the ward offices, park district offices, city hall, etc. with letters that are well thought out and presented correctly then someone will have to take notice and respond.
I am reader #3: I did hear them say later on the scanner that the shooting occurred in the 4800 block of North Sheridan. The victim fled on foot to where he was met by police at 833 W. Lawrence. At the same time this was happening, someone at Big Chicks was calling in a domestic incident where someone was getting beaten on the sidewalk near their establishment. The police were definately busy this afternoon. Sounds like perhaps several things happening at once.
ReplyDeletehmmmmm...a group of 8 of the white t-shirt gang was hanging out at Lawrence and Kenmore right near DIB around 5:15pm.
ReplyDeleteI figured something was going on...
Just a year ago, Timothy Pittman died from a bullet to the head in the 4800 block of Sheridan. His friends shed many tears and a memorial was set up. Now they're shooting each other there again. What about 'When you shoot at each other with real guns, sometimes your friends die' don't they get?
ReplyDeleteDid you call 911 to report suspicious activity? NO? Why not?
buenapk, we've been told time and again that loitering is not a crime. Had I known that there was a shooting minutes ago just down the street, I certainly would have called 911. I will now walk the neighborhood and dial 911 whenever I see someone I don't recognize on the street.
ReplyDeleteI'm really starting to think all you rich condo owners are making this crap up. I mean, if there was really this much violence in Uptown it would be all over the news and our Alderman would be leading the way to determine the cause and fix it. I've heard nothing on the news and nothing from the alderman. Maybe all of you "haves" just don't understand the "have not" culture.
ReplyDeleteLarrynow. Any cop will tell you call and report suspicious activity and let them, as professionals, make the determination. If you want to verify this, call 23rd district CAPS
ReplyDeleteI wonder what Helen will say to galvanize the community to stop this violence? Oh, nothing? Does she really expect us to think she is a leader in this community?
ReplyDeleteChuck . . . . I believe your comments were out of line. I am a condo owner and by no means would consider myself a "have." I have lived in this neighborhood for over a year and am appalled by the amount of violence and drug interactions that I have seen. Our alderman does not attend community meetings or respond to concerned citizens because in my opinion she is lazy. She will tell you that crime is improving . .. and maybe it has compared to 20 years ago . . . but the past year that I have been here it definitely has not. And as for news coverage . .. they usually don't report on gangs shooting gangs. We are normally informed only when an innocent citizen is shot. We don't hear 1/2 of things that go on in the south side!! That doesn't mean things arent's bad in our neighborhoods!! And as for not understanding the "have nots." I will refuse to understand any individual in any class (financial, race, etc)that uses guns and violence to solve their problems!! So no I will not understand the "have not" culture if that is what they entail. I know plenty of "have nots" who are hard working and do not have to hang out on the corner and cause trouble with their friends. Find another hobby!! I'm sorry this may sound rude, but I was appalled with your post!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone should email "Chuck" one of the videos.
ReplyDeleteI think Chuck may have been kidding?
ReplyDeleteI can assure you Chuck was being sarcastic. Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well online.
ReplyDeleteSheridan girl, don't worry about Chuck he has had his head buried in the sand to avoid the flying bullets.
ReplyDeleteI assure you Chuck was being sarcastic (I know him very well). He is just as concerned about the crime and fed up with the violence. Sometimes we have to laugh a little, right???
ReplyDeleteSo, now I finally understand a strangers comment to me when he said, "you moved from Los Angeles to... UPTOWN?"
ReplyDeleteWorry about getting shot, worry about getting mugged, worry about getting my car broken into... am I missing anything else?
When Chuck said "if there was really this much violence in Uptown it would be all over the news and our Alderman would be leading the way to determine the cause and fix it" - sarcasm is easily been detected...
ReplyDeleteI have meant to say, sarcasm CAN be easily detected.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for my note then. I don't often comment on here and the comment caught me off guard. Sarcasm is sometimes hard to read in posts. Hope I didn't offend anyone.
ReplyDeleteI've been seeing someone who lives in Uptown for the past 5 months and here is what I've seen. Prostitutes propositioning people on numerous occasions, nearly had my phone snatched out of my hand while using it, witnessed someone dismantling a bike in an alley, drunks gallivanting at all hours of the day down many of the streets and alleyways, and finally the guy getting shot at on Malden Saturday evening.
ReplyDeleteAll of this is I have personally witnessed in the past 5 months. Anyone can see that this kind of bullshit is completely and utterly out of hand and it's getting worse.
Loitering no longer is a crime. The Police can no longer approach a group of thugs hanging around any given location and tell them to get off the corner or go to jail, thank you ACLU. The only time the Police can to that is at well defined areas, thank you ACLU. Now I guess if the Police encountered a group of thugs blocking pedestrian movement that would be a different story. But that's a big if. So as you can see, the hands of the Police are somewhat tied when it comes to matters such as this, thank you ACLU. I'm not sure who to blame for this but I have an idea.
ReplyDeleteLoitering no longer is a crime. The Police can no longer approach a group of thugs hanging around any given location and tell them to get off the corner or go to jail, thank you ACLU.
ReplyDeleteSo what if the police just show up to a loitering corner, park and just hang out for a while and arrest no one? Most of the time, the mere presence of the police is enough to break up a group of loiterers and it doesn't break the law. If the police aren't engaging them, it's not harassment, is it?
Big Daddy thank the Supreme Court of the United States for upholding the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteKenny, when did they do that?
ReplyDeleteSheridangirl - I think, under the assumption that Chuck was being serious, your comments were appropriate. In fact, regardless of Chuck's intentions, it doesnt change the spirit of your commentary - So thanks for Sharing.
ReplyDeleteChuck - YOU GOT ME MAN! Nice work!
We all know what needs to be done if the people want a change in leadership in Uptown.
I think we need to move past that and come up with an immediate community "triage" for when these shootings and other acts of unacceptable violence occur in our community. There needs to be an immediate, consistent, and powerful response from the community EVERY TIME that sends a signal that this cannot continue - Period.
Big Daddy in 1999, the SCOTUS upheld the Illinois Supreme Court's decision on Chicago v. Morales that Chicago's "Gang Congregation Ordinance" was unconstitutional. But you already knew that.
ReplyDeleteI've long had a suspicion that the term "positive loitering" was coined in response to that decision.