Monday, September 7, 2009

Please Sign Today - And Show Up Tomorrow

When we ran this graphic nearly a year ago, we had no idea how appropriate it would be today. Sadly, Helen Shiller wants even more of your property tax money, another $58 million which she says is for fish farms and parking lots. But her own spokesperson says the money doesn't have to go for those things once it's approved. 68% of your property tax bill is going for Helen's Follies, rather than to schools, police and city services... and people wonder why the city is going broke.

PLEASE... Stop the Madness:

  • Sign the Petition! TODAY.
  • Ask your friends and family to do the same. TODAY. Every taxpayer in Cook County is having their services diminished by the greedy TIF monster.
  • Show up at City Hall tomorrow, Tuesday, at 1pm, to emphasize that you don't want fish farms: you want more police, more teachers and more city services.