Monday, August 24, 2009

Psst! Watch CBS 2 News at 6pm Tonight

We're hearing from some little birdies that there'll be more Uptown coverage this evening on the the local CBS news.
Stay tuned....!


  1. I hope this is the story where they find out Helen lives in Evanston full time with her friend with benifits. Or maybe the Story that links her decisions on Wilson Yard to how they financially impact her friends and donors. Or maybe the story where they investigate the criminal records of the staff members families at our Aldermans office. SO many more stories are starting to come to mind they might need to hire a whole slew of reporters to cover this mess.

  2. Somehow other parts of our area (Lakeview, Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, Edgewater) need to be informed that the ramifications of what our alderman is doing is having adverse effects on their areas as well.

    Anyone have any idea how to educate our neighbors???

  3. Well done IP.


    The criminal records of the staff members in her office?

  4. Somehow Little Caesar comes to mind when I think of what is happening.

    Mother of Mercy, is this the end of Helen?

  5. Yes, tell all of them to ask their Alderman who endorsed her in the last election why they did and are they planning on doing it again over the next election...

  6. Jason

    Staff members families and it is quite an extensive list.

    You can start with Derrick Davis the son of Denise then you can move on to the Ali brothers son of Ms Ali from the office as well.

    How can you help fight crime in the community when you cannopt stop it at home?

  7. "Well at least give us a HINT..."

    Let's just say, the people who were interviewed told us after the fact that they don't think the alderman will be writing Ms. Hartman any fan letters.

    However, if you like the report, we suggest everyone write to Ms. Hartman and tell her we appreciate her focussing on Uptown.

  8. If you tell I promise to give up patronizing Uptown hookers for the rest of August.


    Seriously, interviewing people?

    Now if you will exsquueeze me I need to plug my TV in and hook up that converter box.

    If only it were as easy as a Sheridan and Leland hooker.

  9. UU has been sadly bereft of face time during this Uptown media blitz.

    Not from lack of trying. ;-)

    So, you know we're not Catholic Workers, because they've sneaked into every shot, wherever they can find a media camera. Nor are we running for office.

  10. IP fyi the Leland and Malden hookers are easier than the Sheridan Leland variety.

  11. I was featured in the crowd in the video from Truman last week.

    I wasn't asked any questions though.

    I guess the reporters thought my good looks and incredible sexiness would take away from the focus of the story.

    It's truly a burden.

    Five minute countdown to CBS2

  12. I asked UU when all this happened, half in jest, to start a clock again on when Helen would meet with her constituents.... Now, I am begging UU to start a clock on when she holds on town hall for ALL residents to attend..

  13. Wow!! Just saw the piece and it was quite an indictment of her and her absenteeism!

    Way to go CBS 2!!

  14. Wow! What a report that was. She really took a shot at the alderman. I guess we all know who Rob and Steph are.

    Even the mayor.....holy sh^^!

  15. This is probably a happy day for Richie.

  16. Ok,

    I just watched it.

    I hope there's more to come.

    That was hardly even a snack.

    I did like the Daley appearance though talking about having to listen to complaints.

    It was nice to see some folks talking about how Shiller handles problems though.

    Oh well.

    Perhaps in the future there will be more.

    Methinks Shiller has pissed off a bunch of reporters. They are certainly trolling the hood for stories.

  17. Here is a link I just found on CBS 2:

  18. Nice story! Sounds like they might keep following it up until they finally get an audience with Helen. Everyone send in a thank you to Kristyn Hartman.

  19. Ooops, my previous link was incorrect, here is the correct one:

  20. Daley shot was on the news a couple days ago. Same footage, but still relevant.

  21. I just received a phone call from the pantomime Mayor Daley.

    Pantomime Mayor Daley wants me to be alderman.

    I said "Sure, that's the ticket".

    One of my neighbors said she spoke to a reporter claiming to be doing a piece for a New York paper on the Olympic bid and violence in Chicago.

    I'm guessing it was the New York Times, but perhaps not.

    Anyway the story about violence in Uptown and Chicago in general is slowly permeating the web.

  22. Shiller, How is this week starting out for you? Get back to me when you are back from vacation

  23. Mark Twain explained Helen's avoid-the-press tactic down to a tee:

    Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt

    Though, I'd replace "fool" with "arrogant, race-baiting, class-baiting opportunistic hypocrite" and have no regrets for doing so.

    That arrogance permeates into her office staff who obviously have no issue with insulting and denigrating the people they are paid to serve.

    In short: Helen Shiller represents every despicable stereotype one could assign to a politician, and does so with impunity since she has no problem stoking hatred to retain her office.

    Now, she's violated the cardinal rule of politics: she's pissed off the media, and is quickly running out of places to hide.


    September 8th.


    City Council.

  24. Jason Roberts for Alderman! I am anti-crime!

  25. Once exposed she should resign as I feel she is not fit to hold her office and see what she has done to our ward. She needs a permanet vacation along with her rude staff too.......

  26. Wow. I think I just "came out of the closet" on UU.

  27. Suggestion. View the video on the CBS 2 news web site. Multiple times if possible. Hopefully if it gets a bunch of hits, it will stay at the top of the 'most popular' stories list and encourage CBS 2 to keep covering the Uptown issues.

  28. Isn't that astroturfing, though?

  29. PB - The Malden/Leland situation has gotten somewhat better.* I think IP is right to stick with the hookers at Sheridan.

    *As an update to a former story. The letter/info campaign to the directors of Miriam seem to have caused them to installed security cameras. I have on multiple occasions heard employees and residents there point them out to people milling around.

  30. PK I am glad that the area is better than it was a few months ago. Perhaps it has moved over to Sheridan.

  31. Physically response to
    *As an update to a former story. The letter/info campaign to the directors of Miriam seem to have caused them to installed security cameras. I have on multiple occasions heard employees and residents there point them out to people milling around.

    You should know that a small group of concerned neighbors living directly around the Miriam Apts., along with community leaders [Rep. Greg Harris, Uptown Chicago Commission (James Cappleman), CAPS leaders, Magnolia-Malden Block Club leaders, Wilson Area Merchant's Association (WAMA) leaders and even the State's Attorney's Office], met twice this summer with all the Senior Management of Mercy Lakefront Housing (who manage Miriam Apts.) and placed an enormous amount of community pressure upon them to fix their problems of prostitution and drug trafficking (as well as many other problematic issues) out of their building at Miriam Apts.

    You will also note that in that long list of community leaders there was no involvement from the alderman's office.

    Mercy attempted several things, the most useful being state-of-the-art video camera surveillance equipment placed at both their front and back entrances and within the building itself. Secondarily they are in the process of evicting several tenants (which is an arduous task).

    Never doubt what a small group of concerned neighbors can accomplish when going around alderman Shiller's office and exerting tremendous pressure on a bad neighbor to clean it up!

  32. "Isn't that astroturfing, though?"

    Not quite. Viewers of the video coming from this site are not advocating anything or making any political statement. They are simply watching the news. Maybe it pushes the story further ahead, but it does not make a political statement, or advocate anything from a group or an individual.

  33. Stef, I'm not saying don't do it ;)

    But, in a sense, we would be (we are already) making a political statement.

    If the story brings a lot of views from outside of Uptown, then the statement of "she's ignoring us, just like we've been saying all along" will be heard by more people.

    Some of them may even see that our point is based on Helen taking into consideration the entire community's concern, and not based on an exchange of favors and cash.

    I know it's Chicago, but that still doesn't mean people need to purchase the attention of the local government.

    Oh, and this is exactly right:

    Never doubt what a small group of concerned neighbors can accomplish when going around alderman Shiller's office and exerting tremendous pressure on a bad neighbor to clean it up

    Proof positive that the services of Helen Shiller are no longer required.

  34. Wait, are you not paying attention? Roberts for alderman!

  35. Somehow other parts of our area (Lakeview, Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, Edgewater) need to be informed that the ramifications of what our alderman is doing is having adverse effects on their areas as well.

    Trust me, we know it already. I live in Edgewater and constantly read the Uptown and Rogers Park blogs (as well as our own). We're all in this together. As goes Uptown and RP, so goes Edgewater (and vice versa).
