Uptown Update,
I thought you might want to share this with our community.
My wife and I live near the corner of Malden and Lawrence. Thursday afternoon at about 4:00 PM my wife looked out our sun porch window and saw 2 people breaking into our neighbors unit on the first floor. I was in my home office working when she yelled to me. I ran down the stairs and when I came out the door I tackled a black female that was coming out of the window with a laptop. The black male that was there helping her took off running. I pinned her to the ground while my wife called 911. She kept yelling "Ronte" but her cohort was long gone. While we waited for the cops she said kept yelling and cussing at us. She screamed "if I go to jail you MF'ers are DEAD". She did tell us that "Ronte" lives at Malden and Leland. I never did get her name but she was short, 15-17 years old, has short cornrows and is easily mistaken for a male. The cops showed up within 3-5 min and cuffed her. She told the cops that "Ronte" was her drug dealer and he was making her steal to pay her drug debt. The cops seemed to know who Ronte is and said that "he's a bad dude". They said they were going to book her on felony burglary. I am not sure if the death threats would be another charge or not.
As the cops were cuffing her, our neighbor came walking up the sidewalk with her 15 mo old son to see all the commotion She said she had just went for a walk and had not been gone more than 20 min. They have a 50 lb Sheppard mix that barks at everyone who comes to the door. The two thieves had moved a very heavy concrete flower urn over to the window to help get in. I actually do not think they ever entered the unit but were leaning in the window taking things off a desk.
Later we talked an upstairs neighbor who saw these two on our front stoop around 3:00 PM and asked them who they were looking for. They gave a name and were told no one by that name lives here. The two then left but must have circled back.
These two were very brazen to try to break into a place during the middle of the day, into a home with a dog, and having already been confronted by one of the unit owners. In hind sight it was probably a dumb idea to confront these people but had I not they would have both gotten away. It sickens me to see these people violate our sense of security. Had they gotten away I think we would be always worried whether they would be coming back.
Your Neighbor On Malden
Thank you for your story and your diligence and courage to protect the neighborhood. Kudos!
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't the safe thing to do but I would have done the same. I'm so proud of you. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteDUDE YOU ROCK! I wish you could have caught the other guy, roughed him up and then called the police! People think twice about stealing after a good beating.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry, they won't be back. Those people aren't tough.
Threee cheers for people that have the backbone to make our area safer. I say thanks and may others follow in your footsteps...
ReplyDeleteWow! While I know it wasn't safe- good for you! Thank you for having the courage to protect our neighborhood and your neighbors!
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but on behalf of your neighborhood -- THANK YOU :) We all need to be vigilant in order to protect our safety.
ReplyDeleteThanks neighbor!
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping our neighborhood safe, but don't forget about keeping yourself safe too!
ReplyDeleteWow. That's some afternoon. Thank you both very much for putting yourselves out there for your neighbors. And for sending out the warning on UU.
ReplyDeleteThanks - That very easily could have been my home. I encourge everyone to have an absolute zero tolerance policy for anyone who threatens the quality of life here. This is a wonderful place and it isnt going to get better by itself!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Ronte has been caught yet???
ReplyDeleteI hope this poor girl get the counseling and rehab she obviously needs, before it's too late. While the guy who told her to do this gets put away for, among other things, "Contributing to the delinquency of a minor."
ReplyDeleteEveryone should go to court with this brave person. Show this criminal the neighborhood is behind him and has had enough.
ReplyDeleteGreat job.
ReplyDeleteYou know, it is for this very reason that I personally and professionally feel that a city registered shotgun is a good idea. There is no better way to make a thief stop dead in his/her tracks that the intimidating sound of a 12 gauge pumping.
Professionally speaking, I know that you are very lucky to have apprehended the offender safely with no injuries
Counseling and rehab???
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that.
Here's my advice to you: go buy
ReplyDeletea cheap surveilance camera and hide it somewhere in front of your building with a vcr recorder and record it always before u sleep or leave. that way if they come back you can get them arrested right after you file a restraining order due to the threats.
Again as many have said Thankyou for your bravery. Please keep the neighborhood updated about the progress of the case. I wonder if you or your neighbor needs to go to the court hearing? Either way, please make contact with the Court Advocacy Reps to get some people to attend the hearings with you.
ReplyDeleteA couple of weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, I noticed that an African-American male and female that do not live in our building and whom I had never seen before were sitting on the front steps of our condo building (Magnolia just south of Lawrence), PAST the front security gate. The guy tried to engage me in conversation as I approached our front door, and I brushed him off - I thought, "he is trying to distract me while she texts the burglars in my building to get out." (She was texting on her phone, and didn’t say one word to me or even look up.) They didn't appear to be homeless or indigents. He was fairly intent on distracting me, but I went straight inside and watched from our front window as they sat outside on the front steps for at least another half-hour before leaving. Being a smaller woman, home alone on the first floor, and they could clearly see me enter my unit door from the front steps, I didn't call the Police for fear of retaliation. To my knowledge, no one in our building or neighboring buildings was burglarized. It was just a weird incident. In hind sight I think I would have walked around the block and called the Police on my cell phone to report them – they were loitering on private property!
ReplyDeleteMy friend do not take those threats lightly.Do find out if she was charged with threatening you,do the follow up.Show up in court and tell them you fear for your safety,and are afraid "Ronte" may retaliate,and don't be afraid to call the police out again.
ReplyDeleteJust underscores that that EVERYBODY has to keep his/her eyes open for this kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteRemember the 'late night pizza delivery robberies' on Malden earlier in the year?
I just sold in Uptown after 8 years. I was born there 40 years ago and I've seen it's ups and downs as friends and family lived there throughout.
ReplyDeleteUptown has gone as far as Uptown is going to go. In fact, it's been regressing over the past 2.5 years and it will keep doing so. This economy is going to completely allow the scumbags to re-take it.
"He's a bad dude" is probably correct. Go join CAPS and Court Advocacy and learn first hand the dozens of known violent convicts that are freely walking around Uptown. You'll be shocked. I would never let a woman I care about live there. I am extremely street smart and handy in physical confrontations but even I got to the point where I couldn't justify staying there; there are simply too many people there, from younger than you would imagine, who have NOTHING to lose so your well-being is of no concern to them.
Seriously, Uptown is what happens with liberalism is allowed to run out of control.
Good Luck, Y'all.
Our condo unit was broken into around 5PM a few months back. Our neighbor saw them but thought that they were movers. They match the description that the poster described. We want to call the police with this info. Orginal poster: please contact me at bmac60622@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteGayle, there is no counseling for sociopaths! Wake up and smell thbe urine, you live in uptown, not downtown