Friday, June 26, 2009

Guardians Of The Uptown Theatre

Photographer Jerry Goldner sends us a great photo of a peregrine falcon perched high atop the Uptown Theatre. You can check out all of Jerry Goldner's amazing Uptown falcon photography here.


  1. I here they taste like chicken...

    photographers that is....

  2. We were woken up last week by some strange sound I had never heard before and it took us a while to figure out what it was. When we open the windo there was one of these Falcons attached to our screen by its talons (which were huge, actually the entire bird was huge).

    We figured it was one of the babys learning to fly. Was very surreal! Not something that normally happens in a city.

  3. It looks like they use the Uptown as camouflage!

  4. there are some really fantastic photographs of the falcons here!! great job jerry – thanks for sharing with us. they sure do love snacking on pigeons don't they! i've seen the remnants of these snacks around uptown frequently this season.

  5. The pigeon population in Uptown has dropped dramatically in the years these birds have flown are skies.

    I salute them!

  6. pigeons are really tasty, a little olive oil with some meal. They are a little quick though, tough to catch.

  7. Oh that is beautiful.

    Thanks to the photog and to you for sharing the pic.

  8. Here's a peregrine blog: Chicago Peregrine Falcon Blog. Falcon Cam at Evanston Public Library: Falcon Cam.
