Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Month Of May Miracle

Miracles in Uptown never cease. A reader wrote in today and told us that the CTA was out replacing the looooong burnt out lights under the red line tracks on Broadway and we had to check it out for ourselves. Not only are all the lights back on, but the light you see on the far right (click to enlarge) just over the gentleman who is resting in front of the blighted signage, is BRAND NEW. Kudos to whomever ended this long saga of lights out on a crime-filled stretch of Broadway.


  1. That new light will be a bummer for those trying to get a good nights sleep in that spot.

  2. Wow. That only took a few ... years.

  3. Was all or this electrical work being done last Friday evening at rush hour, when all of the interior lighting in the Wilson station was out???

  4. Larrynow-
    We were told it was taking place this morning.

  5. Hmmm - lights in during the day makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.

  6. I think the lighting is a result of the walk with Commander Boehmer after the Caps Meeting two months ago. The lighting was pointed out to her she said she would put in the request to the city for improved lighting under the EL.
