Saturday, May 23, 2009

Agnes Cleaners Moving To 1311 Wilson

A reader writes in:
I just got back from picking up my dry cleaning from Agnes Cleaners at Wilson & Magnolia. I noticed a sign in the window mentioning that as of June 1 they will be moving down the street to 1311 W. Wilson. Looks like they are trying to make a seamless transition. This is a great business and hopefully you can share this with your readers. Thanks.


  1. Bottom line? Despite the flying bullets, and the roving gangs of sinister teens. I make a vow to support local businesses. I trust the 46th ward office does the same?

  2. I am glad and hope this honest business does well. Whats up with the stretch of Wilson, East of Agnes Cleaners across from Truman College on the North side. How can those businesses allow all the mass of uptowns useless crew to make that area their hang-out heaven........
