Saturday, April 25, 2009

Uptown...We Call The Cops

One of our loyal readers filmed some afternoon hi-jinks near Sunnyside Mall here in Uptown. Check out the video above, complete with subtitles. And as always, if you see public drinking or suspicious activity, be sure to call 911 like our reader did.


  1. How funny!

    Is that song "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?" If not, it sounds familiar from my repertoire of classical drinking buddy durges.

  2. What a great film. Its the best yet and the music is super too. Thanks for showing that it is important to care and call 911 as much as possible to clean out the garbage from our uptown. Too bad the police won`t give them a lift and drop them off at the steps of Helen S. and give her a perfect example of what her policy has created in making our homes unsafe and unhealthy...........Thanks again for the great work.........

  3. I absolutely love it. As a Chicago Police Officer who lives in Uptown, I truely appreciate the support from the community. It was funny, while still showing the coppers doing good work. Kudos.

  4. Each of those clowns voted for Helen 5 times each in the last election.
    Each time they come out of the polling place, Helen gets 'em a free six pack. They're just in training for the next election - give 'em a break.

  5. FANTASTIC! Kudos to the writer, producer and creative director!

  6. I especially like the person walking the dog with the kid past the tickets being given. This is why we call the cops. So we can all enjoy our neighborhood!

  7. Nice work! I have to get a camera with night vision so that I can film the hookers and crack heads on Leland and Malden. I've said this here before and I'll say it again- CALL 911 when you see those hookers in action! It's like an all night amusement park and we have to put a stop to it. Im sick of seeing used condoms in the alley.
