Wednesday, March 4, 2009

46th Ward Goes For Feigenholtz, Hanson

46th Ward voters bucked the popular trends in the March 3rd special primary.

On the Democratic ballot, Sara Feigenholtz took the ward with 52.06% of the vote (810 votes). Overall, Mike Quigley was the Democratic winner, with 22.83% of the vote.

On the Republican side, Tom Hanson won the 46th with 31.87% (29 votes). Overall, Rosanna Pulido won the Republican nomination with 25.42% of the vote.


  1. I am so confused. I live in the 46th ward, but I am not in the 5th district. Am I way off on this? I lloked it up and it says I am in the 7th. I am going to be pissed if that website is wrong and I didn't vote yesterday!

  2. Jason,

    the 5th District portion of the 46th Ward is generally the area of the ward south of Irving and east of Sheridan.

    Feigenholtz lives around there and not surprisingly did very well.

    She did particularly well among the high rise residents along LSD.

    Personally I'd take Mike Quigley over Sarah any day. Sarah talks the talk, but don't walk the walk. Quiggles is a serious reformer.

    In 1991 he ran against my beloved Helen Shiller for aldercritter. At the time he was the machine hack and she was the independent. How times change. He is now the reformer and she is a wholly owned subsidiary of Daley Inc.

    I think Shiller endorsed Feigenholtz. If so I have but one thing to say.............


  3. Jason, here's a map of the 5th Congressional district. Looks to me like the only part that lies strictly within the Uptown borders of lake-Irving-Clark-Foster is Dover, between Montrose and Lawrence.

  4. Until you guys pointed out the district's boundries I once again thought to myself, boy the Republicans in this town have a lot to learn about getting out the vote. The fact that the winning Republican only got 89 votes made me wonder, can't the Foremost in Lake Forest even order cases of MD 20/20? However the boundries omit the shelters and it takes more than a good Chablis (forget the Mogen David!) to sway most voters so the problems go deeper still.

  5. I'm happy that Feigenholtz was sent packing - especially after SEIU "donated" $250,000 to help her in media spending (remember SEIU is connected to the Blago Senate seat gig).

    Then, she completely co-opted Obama's image (ie Jason) and, like Roland Burris is doing, co-opting his (or is it "H"is) website layout and red/white striped logo.

    So much for original thinking.

    A little fact that cropped up, last week, is that Quigs and Sara used to date.

    Yeah. I got a little queasy, too.

  6. F.Y.I. Jason, if you live in Uptown, and I'm gonna assume that you do. Than the map that says you are in the &th congressional district is indeed wrong. But rest easy 'lil buddy that doesn't put you in the 5th......we are in the 9th district. Hope this map and site helps.

    I'm a little challenged so you're going to have to cut n paste

    Some of the links on this site bring you to other sites such as govWatch or Which help you do your homework.

    Wouldn't it be outstanding if it could include City and State government as well.

  7. Nice Pits.

    On a national note I seem to be hooked as of late to..

    This is a nonpartisan web site that offers not a left side or right side but the truth side.

  8. UptownPits, gives you state and local officials. We are lucky to have it, the website currently only serves Cook County.

  9. Jason, you are probably in 7th State Senate district. For Congress, it's either the 5th or 9th. The district maps are dizzying; it's not you. ;-)
