Thursday, February 19, 2009

On A Clear Day

A reader sent in these beautiful photos of Uptown taken from the Bridgeview Bank Building. Click on each photo for a larger version.


  1. On a clear day, Helen Shiller can almost see Uptown from her house.

    Beautiful pics by the way.

  2. Is this the view of Uptown from the Chamber of Commerce

  3. Great photos that I may post in my Facebook account for friends far away to see (anonymous Uptown neighbor, I promise to acknowledge your authorship).

    The ominous yellow crane, however, is a smudge on each of these otherwise beautiful photos; it shamelessly intrudes in each frame, foretelling the blight to come if the vertical slum gets built.

  4. BakerBoy, go right ahead. The person who submitted them to us says it's cool.

  5. Thanks! I posted them on Facebook and acknowledged an anonymous Uptown neighbor for the pix.

    I got a comment from a friend who found one of the pix stunning.

  6. Very cool pics from a unqiue perspective. I love the Uptown Broadway building, but I've only been able to see the amazing lobby. I wonder about what the upper floors are like.

  7. ECB -- You can go up in the elevator to the business floors. They're very ... old-looking. You can imagine Sam Spade working there.

  8. Well, I will have to try out the elevators the next time I am down at Lawrence/Broadway.
