Saturday, January 31, 2009

Parking Ticket Amnesty

Yikes! This car - more orange than yellow - parked on Leland the other day makes this announcement from Ald. Gene Schulter's email blast of January 30th very timely indeed:

"The City of Chicago is currently offering:

- 50% off penalties for tickets issued before January 1, 2007 when you pay your tickets in full.

- Fee waivers on boot, tow, and storage fees on a previously booted vehicle if your vehicle is no longer in the City's possession.

- Default fee waiver if you previously defaulted on a payment plan.

These offers end on February 14, 2009. If you can't pay in full, the City of Chicago also offers payment plans including a hardship plan. For more information, please visit the Department of Revenue website."


  1. If all you people would pay your fines you would not have to worry so..I have seen numerous time people throwing their tickets into the street laughing...and they cry when booted and look for excuses...PAY your tickets.

  2. I count ~ 10 tickets on that car.

    An obnoxious number of parking tickets.

    Just tow the darned thing.

  3. Probably all abandoned car tickets? I know a lot of people that got them for not clearing the snow off their car.

  4. I saw this car last week. I thought we had a two ticket Denver Boot law recently passed? There is another at Montrose and Clark.

    I can't understand the police logic here. If the tags are up to date the car is not abandoned. If the tags are not, then tow the damn thing. Couraj why not help this brother out?

    With all those tickets, if the car wasn't abandoned before it sure is now.

  5. This car is by my building, and the tickets are probably all genuine. The vehicle has been sitting there since the fall and it already has a Denver boot on it (under the snow). Why this has not been towed yet, I have no idea.

  6. has it occurred to anyone that perahps the owner of the car is dead? maybe left town? maybe hospitalized? maybe it was stolen from somewhere else?

    where is logic and common sense when it comes to these things? if the cops see a boot and ticket upon ticket on a car, why not look up the registration, try to contact the owner, etc.? rather than lazily just dropping another ticket on the windshield.

  7. Are cops known for havng common sense? I think that's a foreign concept with them. It's like asking them to have reasoning or the ability to compromise.

  8. The car is gone - must have finally been towed.

  9. Makes you wonder the intent, and or goal, of the typical ticket-giver?
    I'm sure the Lost In Space Robot would have had the sense NOT to place over a dozen tickets on a parked car.
    On another street-scape long will the side walks be blocked by the Graceland Cemetary wall fixes? Very odd.
