Monday, January 5, 2009

Inauguration Party, Jan. 20 @ Crew


  1. I was at the election night party and it was great. There was such an energy.

  2. How about starting a "thread" in which other local venues can post their "political party" plans?

  3. Who cares about the damn Inaug.

    He needs to get sworn in and get to work.

    It's crazy all the money they are speeding with the economy in shambles.

  4. Obama's victory ironically coincided with the passing of Proposition 8 in California, nullifying gays' right to legal marriage in that state (at least for now).

    While many gay people were working to elect a black president, many black and hispanic voters were getting fired up to do the same---while taking a swipe against gays (whom they don't believe are a true "minority").

    I hope the effective efforts by the Mormon and Catholic churches to rally these voters to enact this ban aren't lost on gay folks. This incident and the ones involving Rick Warren and Rod Blagojevich have so far diminished the initial joy of Obama's victory.

    At the least let's not make this event just a way for CREW's owners to rake in some extra cash.

  5. I go for the beer and boys...newsflash folks, good 'ol Obama's stance on gay marriage is the same as John McCain's....don't count on any gay rights miracles coming from Barack...remember it was also Billy Boy that signed the Defense of Marriage rights aren't even a spec on any these politicians radar screens...

  6. Obama believes in separate but equal. And that is no equality. It wasn't good enough for his parents in the time of miscegeny and it shouldn't be good enough now. He, of all people, should understand the benefits of love and what good comes from it. But he is a shining example that dims for his own personal gain. And while he is better for this country than McCain/Palin, he is far from the god-like image his followers impart and he so whole-heartedly embraces.

  7. I voted for Obama because he was the lesser of the two evils.

    I still will give him a chance but picking Rahm really made me think twice about him and then picking Arnie Duncan.

    It's looks like he is a Chicago Machine Hack after all.

    The apple didn't fall from the tree.

  8. I really don't see how Obama avoids the "separate but equal" charge. He opposed Prop 8, but he also opposes same sex marriage.

    As far as I know this hasn't really hurt him one iota.

    It try to follow politics pretty closely, but I couldn't tell you what President-elect Obama thinks is the appropriate direction for monogamous same sex couples that want to spend the rest of their lives together.

  9. I find a "inauguration party" to be a tad bit of overkill. Are they going to have a first "State of the Union" party next year? First "Presidential Physical" party?

    How about we celebrate our Liberties and throw a party to remember the time when politics was on that back burner and we celebrated each other with a few hoorays. When we could pursue happiness without Big Brother telling us how, when and where we could find it and for what price.

    I dream of the day when I can go for coffee and my friends don't have to show me the next funny Sarah Palin spoof on their computers. When their first question isn't "Hey did you see Jon Sewart last night?" But it is "Hey how is your family?" followed by Did you catch the _______ (Insert Bears, Cubs, Sox, Bulls, Hawks, ect. depending on the season.)

    Ahh a man can dream...

    FYI..I still have love for ya please for the love of GOD take down that Ohio State crap!

  10. Speaking as a capitalist pig, evil condo-owner, yada, yada, yada...
    If Crew perceives an increased demand resultant from the messianic inauguration more power to them. It won't cost the tax payers (or me since I won't take a day off for it) a penny.

  11. I hope Crew will have ample buckets on hand as I will surely hurl as Chicago political scum officially installs itself in the White House.

  12. From what I understand if you don't want to go, you don't have to. It's not mandatory, so chillax.

  13. Oh yeah sure Sykurmolarnir. You say that now but what if I don't go and then when I get to school on Monday and all the cool kids went and then they are all talking about it on the playground?

    Their all like "Oh my god Chip you missed the most bitchin party on Thursday!" and Im all like "No I didn't..shut up." Then they are like "God Chip your such a loser, what did YOU stay home with your grandma?" And Im all like "No..she stayed with ME!" And then the rest of the day they are all making these big L's on their foreheads every time they see me.

    Is that what you want Sykurmolarnir?

  14. OMG Chip Douglas! If I'm not too tired from attending the Adele concert the night before, I might just go.

  15. Chip is a loser! Chip is a loser! He sat home with his grammy all night! Chip is a grammy's boy!

  16. Phred, way to completely ignore that there are gay blacks and hispanics, as well as hetero black folks, who are fully in support of gay people being able to marry. That California vote was not carried by black or hispanic people. Black people were singled out specifically as those who should "know better" than to vote for Prop 8, though I'm certain there were white folks who may have been pro-Obama and pro-Prop 8 as well.

    Much breaking down of that "blame the minorities," and especially blame black people, for Prop 8 was done soon after the election when this tit-for-tat noise arose (you got a black president, but we don't get marriage), and it showed that there was no way statistically and numerically speaking that it was black folks who "took away" the rights of gay people to get married in California. Remove those numbers, and Prop 8 still would have passed, which shows that there are some people across all races who feel some trepidation (for whatever reason) about "redifining" marriage to include people of the same sex.

    Ironically, much hateful and racially threatening language was spewed by some white gay people who, like you, forgot that "gay" comes in many colors and races, not just white.

    Also, I believe Obama was for civil unions and has not yet stated that he would be in favor of marriage. I think this is something that should and will be challenged to the high court and have the State try to convince the court of a rational reason for prohibiting people of the same sex from entering into a state sanctioned (if not necessarily church/religion sanction) marital contract. If the high court does right, it will find there is no rational reason for this restriction on otherwise consenting adults.

  17. Sounds like a good excuse to get wasted. Count me in.
    Beats hibernating.

  18. Bottom line how long did it take Obama to forget who got him elected and go mainstream right wing conservative?

    Rick Warren.

    Yet he could throw his own Pastor Wright under the bus to get elected just like he will do with gay rights to stay in office.

  19. I am so glad that Obama suckered in all of the left wingers... that is hilarious. I swear he is really a republican! People still think he is the liberal savior....

  20. What can you say about Barak? He's a lawyer...that says it all.

  21. neighborlady - when 52% of the general population supported Prop 8 but over 70% of the black population supported Prop 8 that is a pretty big swing. Not saying that you can single out any one group, b/c there were a few others that stood out to me: 60% of Protestants supported it, while only 44% of Catholics did. 62% of people with only a high school education supported it, yet only 33% of those with a college degree supported it. 62% of voters over age 65 supported it. These are just polling numbers, so obviously there can be an arguement against the accuracy.

  22. Phred and neighborlady each get partial credit. Neither is wrong; neither is 100% correct. The "blame" for Prop 8 can be distributed fairly widely, including the complacent white gay "leadership".

  23. HB, there's been a lot of interesting breakdowns of those alleged percentages on the web soon after the election occurred, and it was very interesting to see how blacks were scapegoated for Prop 8. The fact was that removing the "black" vote from the picture, Prop 8 would have passed. No one is denying there is homophobia or stereotypes about gay people in the heterosexual black community. Black people are not solely to blame for Prop 8, as this ambivalence about gay marriage clearly cuts across racial and religious boundaries. I know this post is about a party and not Prop 8, but just did not want Phred's statement hanging out there, which flat out ignores the existence of black and hispanic gays and black and hispanic gay right supporters.

  24. It's pretty comical how quickly the bandwagon emptied. Prior to this he was portrayed as the 2nd coming. Just because B.O. opposes same sex marriage that doesn't mean he's a right winger, in fact he's far from it.
