Monday, October 20, 2008

Yet Another Reason We Love Uptown

Our Lady of the Scavenger Truck, as seen on the 4200 block of Broadway.


  1. That's actually a McCain for President mobile action vehicle. Calling for Divine Intervention so that he and the "Light of the North" can get elected.

    That is also the 4100 block of Broadway almost directly across from the informal labor depot of sexual harassers than hang out by the U Haul.

  2. You know that's Irish Pirates ride!

  3. 'full of grace! full of grace!'

    Too funny marathonman!!

  4. I don't exactly love these trucks, but they certainly serve a purpose. I just ask that they keep the junk in the trunk, as it were. On Montrose, one guy had an old oven that didn't fit in the truck bed, chained to a tree next to his truck, which was parked on the street. I felt like I was back in India or Vietnam where the sidewalk doubles as a workshop. Better the metal is recycled, then in a landfill. I'd like to see a bunch of these guys do a derby in Wilson Yard if the lake ever dries up. But then I'd miss my favorite Toxic Avenger-esque swimming hole.
