Tuesday, October 14, 2008

UCC Community Safety Meeting Awards 'Good Neighbors' & Hears From Block Clubs

We are told there was a great turnout tonight at St. Augustine College on Argyle for the UCC Community Safety Meeting. Representatives from Uptown block clubs gave brief presentations about happenings within their particular block club and what they are doing to make the neighborhood safer. Brandon Shephard, who rescued Baby Wilson this summer from certain death, was on hand to receive the UCC "Good Neighbor Award." Detective Jennifer Ryle, who worked tirelessly on the case to track down the mother who abandoned Baby Wilson, also received an award. State Senator Heather Steans was on hand, as well as a representative from Ald. Mary Ann Smith's office. Shockingly enough, no one from Ald. Shiller's office attended.


  1. Who's the guy on the left?

    Wink Martindale or James Cappleman?

  2. In addition to the politicians mentioned, I saw Brian from Rep. Greg Harris's office, and Commissioner Mike Quigley spoke to the gathering. And both police commanders were there from the 20th and 23rd Districts.

    I really didn't expect anyone from Ald. Shiller's office to be there, since she's wearing her SuperSonic Lame Duck Cram-More-Housing-Into-The-Middle-Of-The-46th-Ward Blinders these days, but her absence was absolutely glaring. It would have been nice for her to pretend, just for a couple hours, that she gave a damn about the safety of the people of Uptown, but ... Mayor Daley wasn't here, so she didn't bother.

  3. Just one more piece of proof that Helen Shiller really does not care about Uptown.

  4. Hey this ain't your college campus sweeties!
    Oh..wait..yes it is..my bad.

  5. Isn't Quigely anti-TIP? Could he be of any help with WY?

  6. It was nice that the loudest applause of the night was when Brendan Shephard and Jennifer Ryle were honored. Both were very gracious.

    The commanders talked about camera locations and crime walks, but I don't remember the details. Maybe someone with a better memory can fill in the details?

  7. Wouldn't it be more shocking if someone from Shiller's office DID show up?

  8. James was there so Shiller didn't need to be there.

    Just kidding!

    Keep all these events her or her office was a no show to and use that against her in the next election.

  9. Way to go Brandon. Once again, my elected representation is absent from recognizing good people that demonstrate great qualities.
