Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mayor Daley Explains TIFs To Us

We're so glad Northwestern's Medill J-school students are back on the beat! Adam Verwymeren, who entertained us with "TIFs for Tots" last June, has now added Mayor Daley to the roster of those explaining TIFs to us silly folks who pay for them.

Enjoy "Where Do TIFS Come From?" with Da Mare as your guide.


  1. Man this is funnier than Sarah Palin shooting moose from Helicopters.

    This is funnier than Helen Shiller teaching elocution at Northwestern.

    This is funnier than "da mare" teaching an ethics course at Loyola.

    This is some amusing stuff.

    Check it out and donate to FixWilsonYard. Tell them the bad apples sent ya!

  2. I want to laugh but this makes me more likely to cry. or is it the cubs that make me want to cry and I can't laugh? either way, things seem really hopeless. we have a shi**y economy, a joke of a local government, a federal government who cannot stand against big business, etc, etc, etc. I'm gonna go live in the woods.

  3. Humor sure has a way of telling the truth. Daley should be given a crown and a thorn, ah, I mean throne, for the King of TIFs.

    He and his good friend Helen are still trying desperately to drag Uptown deeper into the high poverty hole by making sure every square inch of Uptown is saturated with shoddy subsidized housing. Hey, we can't even take care of our current folks who deal with gangs, guns and drugs for neighbors.

    A TIF revolt is brewing.
