Friday, August 22, 2008

Rust Never Sleeps (Neither Does Trash, Apparently)

We're lucky to have lovely pieces of the past here in Uptown, like this ornate lightpost on Broadway near Sunnyside.

But it's not so lovely when it's neglected for years and allowed to rust nearly completely through. The hole is so big that residents apparently have mistaken it for a garbage can.

An sad present-day reality for a part of the streetscape that once combined beauty and functionality.


  1. working on Michigan avenue downtown, I like to think Uptown could have the same attention to detail.
    But I'm always throwing away the PopEyes chicken bags thrown, from the Section 8s in my alley.

    dreadful letdown......

  2. OK...the lamppost just doesn't look bad it doesn't look safe either!

  3. We have an old photo of the Wilson L station from 1959 and these light poles are in the photo, so you can assume they are at least 50 years old.

  4. It always amazes me how hard people will work to put trash in the wrong place, yet they can't bothered to put it in a trashcan.

    Perhaps we can have a "trashcan awareness" seminar at Helen's office this weekend. Her people could definitely use the training.
