Monday, August 4, 2008

No Parking? Are You Sure?

A reader writes in:

"On W Windsor Ave between Hazel and Clarendon, these signs have been placed for 3-4 consecutive weeks without any work being done. Today, tow trucks were either towing or moving all the vehicles on the street."


  1. So I am confused. Yes, they did post the signs early, but the dates clearly state that the no parking started today. What's the issue?? That they gave people 4 days to prepare or that people parking on this street can't read??

  2. 1. Are you SURE they aren't doing work? Some of the work is minor (in appearance) to prep for the new pavement. ie filling in concrete around man hole covers.

    2. The broad range is so they can move quickly in one day. You'll note the signs are often taken down before they are "due" since the work was done

    3. Finally, this is a "friendly" tow. By that, they are not charging anyone or impounding cars. They're moving enough to finish repaving the streets.

    I'm one to complain about how gov't is run, but this is pretty banal.

  3. Yeah, looks like they started today, so those who didn't get the hint the last 3-4 weeks are SOL if they get towed. Yikes!

  4. I look out on Windsor and Clarendon. They did do some cutting of the street and were here for a few hours today. I believe they just relocated the vehicles that did not heed the warning.

  5. Being someone who has worked with contractors doing this, people are right - it's a "friendly" tow, and generally you only move the cars that are directly in your way, because it's a major pain to get the city tow people out there as it is. Even if the signs are posted, if they aren't working that day you're generally going to be OK unless a cop gets annoyed at your parking.

  6. This happens all over the city. When it does something usually happpens in the timeframe but they often do forget to take the signs down at the end which is sometimes a minor inconvenience. All those good parking spaces lying idle!! Anyway, its Chicago---you've got to read the street signs very carefully to make it in this town.

  7. So that's why there were so few cars on Windsor when I left this morning! Good thing I didn't get towed...

  8. I live on W. Windsor and have seen the signs repeatedly in the weeks since residents were notified that the whole block would be dug up and the sewer replaced beginning in mid-June. So far no digging. No new sewer.

    When these signs are posted over and over and nothing requiring parking restrictions actually happens, it is confusing and frustrating...whether it's a friendly tow or not.
