Monday, August 11, 2008

Next "Fix Wilson Yard" Meeting

We heard from the "" folks, who asked us to print this:

"Our next Fix-Wilson-Yard meeting is this coming Thursday, August 14.
Details attached. Our earlier meetings have been a huge success.

Uptown citizens, once they learn the truth about what's going on with
Wilson Yard, have jumped on band wagon to take back their voice
in this development.

We are building momentum every day! Thanks to incredible community
support of volunteer time and donations."


  1. Please bring a portable chair - seating is limited.

  2. Not great timing. The Truman Square Block Association is having their quarterly meeting the same time and date. Perhaps better coordination in the future would be advised. I know a number of folks, including me, that would like to attend both but will be unable to do so...

  3. Uptown Superhero!

    No worries, there are more meetings to come! There are two meetings next week as well - Monday and Thursday. Details on location and time will be released shortly. In the future, will also be posting upcoming events.

  4. Due to my work schedule, I'm not able to make most of these meetings. Reading the site and the postings on UU, I can see and agree with the grievances but what is the proposed solution? What would be the goal of the law suit? What is the "fix" in Fix Wilson Yard?

    I'd be much more comfortable getting behind this movement if there was more information provided on this.

    If these buildings do not go in are we left with the eyesore the lot has been forever? If not Target, and the ensuing traffic (which is a side effect of progress I'm willing to accommodate) who else is being courted?

    Just looking for more info since I can't attend the meetings.

  5. I, too, have problems making the times for these meetings. 7 is just too early for me but I want to attend and get more informed so I can get behind this. How long will this meeting last (estimated)?

  6. Dear Dana and "huh?"-
    Thanks for the feedback. If you have specific concerns or questions, they can be directed to Furthermore, a FAQ is being developed for to answer several questions being posed by residents. Please visit the dite for updates.

    Additionally, based on your response here, we will also attempt to schedule some meetings for either a weekend date and/or later in the evening. Meetings have been lasting about an hour. Again, all dates and times will be posted on

    Thanks for your feedback, interest and concern.

  7. Molly,

    I appreciate your quick response. It would be great to have later meetings or weekend meetings. Not that you have to just accommodate me. I'll check your website often to stay informed! Thanx!

  8. I'll be attending. thanks for your hard work, Judy.

  9. Perhaps this could have been coordinated with the Truman Square Association to give your presentation. For that matter, all block clubs should be approached and asked if they want to hear from you. I also believe it is incumbent to offer the city a chance to share their views, although I highly doubt they would come.

    I am a bit disappointed that there does not seem to be much coordination with established neighborhood groups. I would suggest a cohesive meeting schedule with those other groups already doing good work for Uptown.

    The lack of organization, frankly, has precluded me from donating. I will have no issues making a donation once I see a more structured game plan. Until then, I worry how my donation will be spent.

    Trust me, I am 100% against this monstrosity. I only ask that the folks behind this group, again, start working in a cohesive way with other groups in Uptown.

  10. uptown superhero, have you emailed them to help as a volunteer yet? Maybe you could offer your organizational skills. That is unless you find it more easier to sit back in the peanut gallery and nitpick about dates that are inconvenient for you and how everything isn't up to snuff for you yet.
