Thursday, August 7, 2008

Court Ruling Empowers Chicago Residents To SUE For TIF Abuse

Read all about it at the Chicago Reader here.
Is there any TIF abuse in Uptown that comes to mind?
Also, check out "Progress Illinois" and their post entitled, "What To Do About TIF." You can voice your opinion in there, as well.


  1. How do I delete a dumb post that is completely wrong?

    * smacks head *

  2. the little garbage can in the left hand corner...

  3. Heh. I've been working to hard today to notice the little things.

    Thanks saskia.

  4. See. It is like it never happened. If only more of life would have a cute little garbage can where we could dispose of things so easily and start anew!

  5. so...i made my first donation to fix wilson yard and i'll make more if i see something like this happen!

    also, i submitted for a company match with my employer. it'll be interesting to see if they pay it, i stated that it was for the benefit of raising awareness in the hopes of preventing crime in the community. we'll see...should we remind others of the possibility that their company may match funds?

  6. AWESOME AWESOME AWSOME....check out and sign petition and donate......I was alittle hesitant but the more this is playing out the more it looks like their is light at the end of the tunnel for Uptown.

  7. Ok, so this would seem to a good case for a lawsuit then eh? The "but-for" argument? You cannot possibly claim that the Wilson Yard area is blighted and wouldn't be developed. See the giant condo building across the street. That seems to be doing fine. There is no reason to believe that a similar thing would not happen at Wilson Yard, and hence Wilson Yard falls under the category of TIF abuse and is ripe for a lawsuit.

    Ideally this should have been stopped by our city council, but those spineless SOBs don't do anything. So now, the taxpayers are going to have to foot the legal bill for this entire fiasco.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
