Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sewer Work? Really?

Could it be that all the Uptown streets that are currently ripped up might have to do with work on the sewer system, rather than a resurfacing project? The same ageing sewer system that was the ostensible reason for funding the Wilson Yard TIF?

We're curious to know how much money -- if any -- from the let's-go-back-to-the-well-for-more Wilson Yard TIF is being used for this sewer upgrade. Anyone know? And does anyone know if this will in any way solve the problems caused by the corroding, century-old pipes under our streets?


  1. On the 800 block of W. Windsor Avenue, we got a letter from the city saying sewer work would begin on our street around June 16. Supposedly, they were going to rip up the street to replace aged and under-sized sewer pipe from Clarendon to Hazel and then proceed with the same down Hazel to Montrose. So far, nothing. We have been wondering what the hold-up is...

  2. It wouldn't surprise me. Otherwise, I can't really figure out why they're redoing Winthrop where they are--for instance, from Thorndale to Bryn Mawr is atrocious. They have to have some other purpose than just resurfacing to justify the area they're working on right? Nah, it's Chicago. Never mind.

  3. They have magnolia torn up between Montrose and Wilson. I sure hope they are redoing some sewers, but I don't know. So far, it just looks like resurfacing.

  4. Yeah, I got a letter on my door saying they would be doing sewer work. It's not a resurfacing thing.

  5. Ugh. The storm sewers in this neighborhood are ATROCIOUS. The a good stretch of the south side of Lawrence from Magnolia to Broadway are CONSTANTLY under at least a couple inches of water. It's gross. If they're doing sewer work, though, more than just the top layer of asphalt would be ripped up. I don't know what the F is going on.
