I understand what "gentrification" can do to a community, but there is some give and take. People who buy condos come in and buy property and tend to take better care of it and fix it up. And as property values increase so do property tax revenues. Renters, in my experience having lived in mixed-use buildings, tend to not have as much invested in where they are living.
And with more condos and residents with more buying power enter a community so do retail businesses which only add to the tax revenue base.
I am not some self-absorbed yuppie who doesn't care about my neighbors. I don't necessarily want high-end Lincoln Park type businesses.
But what kind of investment are the people of COURAJ willing to make in their community? I understand diversity is great, but sometimes I just get sick of hearing it be used as a way to stay with the "status quo."
Another instance where the meaning of the word "diversity" is bastardized by Uptown politics.
To most people, "diversity" means a spectrum, an array, a great variety. In ShillerSpeak, it means "everything must be accessible to the poorest of the poor."
Magnolia Cafe? An affront against diversity! Because there are people who can't afford to go there. Forget that Wilson Avenue already has many low-priced restaurants. Magnolia Cafe is NOT diverse because ... it's pricey.
Condos? No way! Because everyone can't afford them! How can they possibly contribute to "diversity"? No, they're out of financial reach for some residents, so they're not only anti-diversity, but they (ahem) destroy families and lives.
Forget that middle-class homeowners are actually a minority in Uptown. Forget that mixed-income housing is the model for public housing in Chicago and everywhere else. Forget that Uptown already has 6,000 units of "affordable housing."
Because -- unless every single family in Uptown can afford something -- it's just not "diverse." Screw the variety. Screw the spectrum. Screw anything different.
All low-income, all the time. That's COURAJ's view of "diversity" in Uptown. And that's why they hate the condo owners, because we're interfering with their vision.
Thanks Truman Square Neighbor. I moved to this neighborhood not knowing it was part of La Shiller's domain (I missed it by one block - anyone know when redistricting takes place? Or shall I wait until La Shiller and Toddler Stroger and thrown out on their tuchases in 2010?), I moved here because it was affordable, had potential despite the crime and other issues.
Slurp! I am lickin’ my chops now that I have a chance to bite into some real live COURAJ propaganda!
YES! I am for diverse communities!
YES! I want to solve the problems of “destroyed families” “destroyed lives” and “unaffordable communities”!
YES! I am a good person.
But, wait, I already own a condo in Uptown. Sh**.
Does that mean that I no longer get to be a good person? Does that mean that I “destroy families and lives” and am against diverse communities? Hmmm…seems so. I’d better read on. Ok. Here it says something about “the condo craze.” Sounds like some kind of social disease. I can’t be held responsible for that especially because I belong to a “working family” too. I am clearly petty bourgeois…I do better than some folks around here but I gotta sell my soul to the military-industrial complex in order to get my daily bread too. So, it doesn’t make sense that I am the bad guy. I still don’t get it. I’d better read on.
It says here that this “condo craze” is adding to the “artificial rise in property taxes that are making it very difficult to keep rents affordable.” That’s funny. I have been reading some stuff in the Tribune about scandals and corruption at the City and county levels which make our local government anything but lean and mean. Maybe I misunderstood that there was a relationship between that and property taxes. But I am starting to get what these guys are saying. If I move here, then I am making the property taxes rise. That makes it really hard for the landlords to keep their rents low because rents only rise when property taxes rise. Okay. But wouldn’t those guys actually be the capitalists who are not working for their daily bread through the sweat of their brows but rather by extracting economic rents from the working man? Oh, dear, I’d better set that point aside now because I am getting all twisted around. Just remember: petty bourgeois folks like me BAD!...absentee landlords (especially those who contribute to Shiller’s campaign fund) GOOD! Got it.
Now onto the final point: if I buy elsewhere, these absentee landlords will be willing and able to keep their rents down for the people who live here. I can help this community survive because it is all worked out that this is a place where landlords prefer to offer below area median rents and residents prefer to be in a place designated for poor people. It is all worked out and I should get out of the way and stop wrecking the system because it is logical, right and self-sustaining. Ghettos are for poor people and the suburbs and a few ritzy urban areas are for everyone else. Yikes! I sure hope I'll feel comfortable in those areas because in the past some of those places haven't really liked gays, jews, blacks and other ethnic minorities moving into "their" neighborhoods. And some are so far away from where I work...But money talks! Maybe I'll fit in if I have enough money...too bad I don't really have too much of that.
Gosh, I'm so sad now! I really wanted to be “a solution to the housing crises” (sic), I really wanted to be a "hero" and have "the people of Uptown hold me in high honor." That sounds pretty good! I wish I hadn’t blown it by buying a condo. But now that I am here I might as well just stand in line for my bitch slap and politely ask, “may I have another, m’am?” In bizarroland it is absolutely 100% my fault and yours too.
But it is those 50% of the residents who are condo owners and not non-profits that are paying all those taxes that fund Wilson Yards. Yet, the non-profits that are taking all the Wilson Yard TIF money to build more non-taxable non-profit housing hate those condo owners who make it possible.
If Alderman Helen Shiller and Couraj and Mark Kaplan truly believed in housing and racial and economic diversity, they would have strived over the past 20 years to make the entire Ward diverse. But no. They leave Lakeview alone totally alone with little or no low-income housing, and little racial and ethnic diversity.
Nope. They pack all the "diversity" quotient into a few blocks of Uptown and then say they have a diverse ward. What they have really created is a divided ward: 2/3 like Lincoln Park 1/3 a ghetto.
Now, why do they do that? Because they aren't interested in diversity or assimilation at all. They are interested in control. And the best way for them to control the poor is to pack them in like sardines in the smallest area possible and cut them off from any outside influence. Then, make them mistrust all others and totally depend on the Alderbeast and Co for everything.
And, if a kids get a rotten education, they say, "So, what? The price has to be paid." And if gang bangers shoot people down on the street, they say nothing "It is a police problem it has nothing to do with the infrastrucutre of the neighborhood or us." And if they cut the poor off from city and police services, they say "Don't trust those people. They won't give you anything. To get anything you have to depend on us."
The reason why I like Uptown is because there are so many people who own houses and property and have been here for so long that they have raised families and chose to stay in their senior years. This plea is such a bunch of BS!!!
I suggest everyone look at where Shiller lives... in a very gentrified area that is basically completely surrounded by Alderman Smiths ward in Andersonville...
Copied from the InfoJournal Independents Blog: ...here are some tidbits on folks we have to get rid of or retain: 46th Ward
"Keep Helen Shiller in! Her long history of independence from the machine and support for low income housing and progressive community groups would be a huge loss if racist and classist gentrifier James Crappyman got in. He comes out of some really pseudo-fascist condo-owner and pro-cop/anti-poor neighborhood groups and wants to destroy what the poor and working class organizations in that neighborhood have worked so hard to maintain. No kookie kutter kondos for Uptown!"
There you have it. The Shiller agenda in a nutshell. She's just ramping up her usual anti-condo, anti-white, anti-police, anti-middle class, anti-neighborhood group rhetoric to feed her troops some hatred, the great political motivator.
anyone who ever thought that a community this close to downtown, parks, and the lake wouldn't gentrify wasn't thinking clearly. Their vision is unrealistic. I love seeing all the new condos going up and being gutted and restored... Uptown is on it's way to becoming a wonderful community people... BUY! BUY! BUY!
Look trolls....some of us have rented in uptown for many years and can finally afford to buy something!! and remeber we pay high taxes too!!! the pissing, drug dealing and prostution are just bonuses for us that try to improve this community...preserve uptown..have you walked around the neighborhood...the few that do respect the neighborhood obviously have moved out!!! make difference and invest and be involved in the community dial 911
The poor in low- and no-income housing are still here because those that can afford to pay for that housing (taxed condo owners)are taxed to the hilt (thank you, Mayor Daley). Seems like a no-brainer to me. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you. I suppose it's a matter of pride and an inability to recognize that that is exactly what is going on. There is absolutely nothing diverse about Couraj's agenda. My impression is that a bunch of college students just finished reading the "Communist Manifesto" and decided that classism and the poor was the issue du jour for them. Bless their silly little hearts.
Their silly, INEFFECTIVE little hearts. I don't think we should bother wasting any time on these people. They are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
if couraj were really interested in helping out the poor, or the long-time residents of uptown- they would focus their efforts on getting more uptowners to move up the ladder from renting to owning. it is by far the best way to create wealth, and this way they reap the benefits of an improving community by capitalizing on increased property values.
there are thousands of examples in this city and accross the country where this works. but again, it takes some leadership and some hard work- not just talk.
I actually think Cappleman is too nice to run against Shiller. He is a good guy, but I am hoping we get someone that understands that when slapped in the face, you slap back.. not turn the other cheek so that one gets slapped too...
And where, pray tell... do the members of this fine group reside? Do all of them rent? Or do they live in tents the erect on Truman College's parking lot at night because they don't want to take away any housing that a poor person might need?
So, to them, diversity doesn't include the middle class? What exactly is the breaking point on the annual earnings to still be considered 'diverse' enough to live in Uptown?
It's a known fact that gentrification of any area significantly decreases crime. Why? Simple - people that invest their hard-earned money into a property tend to care more about their neighborhood than people that rent. The beautify, they clean, they call the police and demand that their Alderman actually WORK for their salary. If you rent, and you don't like the area, hey, you can just pick up and leave! A bit hard to do when you own. So... while Uptown still has a long way to go to be considered safe, its MUCH better than it was 10 years ago. I wonder why?
So, does 'diverse' also mean crime-ridden, gang and drug-infested hellhole to Couraj? Is that the type of community they think protects the sanctity of family in Uptown. Do they really buy this load of horse manure they are slinging on the public? What a joke.
It's funny, I chose Uptown because I liked the diversity of it, the culture of it. I wish someone had given me one of these flyers before I bought, so I would of at least had a heads up that I would be seen as the scourge of Uptown, some sort of white devil who is to be hated and feared more than a gangbanger. I might of reconsidered purchasing here.
I don't know who the hell these Couraj people think they are. I grew up with squat, and have been on my own since I was 18. I have worked my butt off my whole life, and now I can finally afford my first home ever, make my first real 'investment' into my future, and these nutjobs think they have the right to pain me as some sort of elitist, rich person? They can all go to hell, and I hope Shiller is driving that train.
pardon my typos... it's hard to take your time typing when you're disgusted and pissed off. I would love a one-on-one with these idiots. They know NOTHING about the people they claim to be 'destroying' Uptown. Its nice how they scream about 'diversity' and then immediately exclude people from that. Go Eff yourselves Couraj!
Little Marcy Marc Kaplan. ~during a vote dry attempt went into nursing homes and strong armed the edderly and sick residents to rescind their signatures on the petition. ~He and courj marched through Uptown and destroyed the landscaping of condos. ~the best sighting of Marcy is dressed in a tie and apron working as a bartender at some very elitest gatherings. There's something poetic about the sight.
I'm so thoroughly disgusted at Couraj's attempt here I don't know where to start. I can't add anything the other long and more informed posts have already. But really, where do they think the money comes from to BUILD WY low income housing? Where will the money come from to HOUSE the residents once it's built?
Let's be clear: I don't mind some of the tax money going to others less fortunate. But without increased revenue from property taxes, the money comes from where for them to have their little pity parties?
A friend and I, both condo owners, met Marc Kaplan when he was trying to start a kids triathlon program. We went a few times to the clarendon field house, but no kids ever showed up! Hmmm...condo owners trying to get involved in the community, go figure.
If I could afford to but a condo in Uptown I would! not even the guy on the el with 5 tears tatooed on his cheek trying to get some poor guy to come 'join his gang' and 'attend a party that evening- but you gotta bring your own ho's' could deter me... it was funny though.
Again, Marc Kaplan lives in the apartment at the NW corner of Montrose and Racine. Many Shiller supporters reside there, including Helen's own Denise Davis.
I have no problem with members of COURAJ living in Uptown, and I surely wouldn't abdicate that anyone kick them out of their apartments. That's exactly the kind of thinking that pisses them off.
The problem I have is the fact that they act like they are speaking for the community at large - when they actually are not. Their hate tactics and reverse discrimination makes them look bad all on their own. What even looks worse is that our alderman supports their activities. Quite sad.
Now that Shiller is fully vested in her retirement benefits - I doubt she'll run again. Chances are, she'll vacate her seat and appoint one of her flying monkeys, and then support said monkey in '11.
We do need someone who is pro-development, and not afraid of working with the free market forces.
Not to say that social services should be abandoned; but, we sure as hell don't need to ADD any more.
And we sure as hell need to get someone in office who isn't bumping policy uglies with the likes Marc Kaplin.
The last thing we need is anyone even remotely connected to Daley and the Democratic Machine that's raping this city of its money and its spirit.
(not to mention the members of the Dem Machine who represent us in the state legislature and in Washington)
As a condo owner I find it funny that this Mark Kaplan guy doesn't have a clue. We need condo/home owners! Not all but enough to help pay (from property taxes that renters DON'T pay) for the local schools that are hurting!
My partner and I are paying for the school systems when we don't have kids ourselves! And ya' know what- I'm proud that we are. I want to see kids in the Uptown area have a better chance than I did growing up in the 'burbs! I see kids every where and I would love to know that the school systems are becoming better with help of the property taxes.
So in my eyes this idiot wants to keep the system down for the local kids. Does this fuck-wit realize that saying "Not to buy in Uptown" is doing a disservice for the local kids whos parents (whether they rent or own) are having a hard enough time with funding of the local schools. It's bad enough that teachers are not paid enough for thier work of teaching, counseling, parenting, and the over crowding of the class rooms.
This community needs a healthy mix of both renting and ownership.
Well said yo! The only thing is that we may need a Daley lackey since Shiller may step down before the end of her term and Daley will be involved with fillng that vacancy.
These are classic ramblings of group that realizes its losing its power. One by one the gangbangers are forced out, and one by one good hard working people move in. I've only been here four years, but even in that time, I've seen the neighborhood changing and the scary Shillerista Garden of Eden shrinking in size.
And on the subject of property taxes, we the condo owners did not setup this tax structure, so please do not blame us for it.
"These are classic ramblings of group that realizes its losing its power."
And all the Shilleristas are going crazy because there's an anti-crime rally in front of the alderman's office. They can't exactly say they're pro-crime, so they're trying to deflect the issue by claiming police brutality.
Seems to me that the gangbangers are the real brutes, but ... you're right, their little revolutionary knees have to jerk against SOMETHING.
In case you didn't see this in May when the Chicago Tribune posted the "Statement of Financial Interests of Alderman" - the one that La Shiller filed cleverly makes it appear that she doesn't own her home at 1248 W. Carmen (just down the street from me).
Surely it cannot be the sinking value of my Uptown condo in the toney Hazel and Sunnyside area of the neighborhood that is "artifically" raising property taxes?
The crime in this neighborhood and the Wilson Yard "Project" are possibly quite enough to discourage potential real estate buyers.
Marc Kaplin that is how he feels, hem and COURAJ. I been knowing all of them since I was little. This is not new they been saying that condo will be the end of low-income house. I was here before the condo came , my friend told us that if we don't want the first condo to come we should protest. we said what ever we did not care now they care. We can not get rid of condo now! so leave it alone. I could careless so should you.
Why does uptown update not have anything about obama? that some good news but they got a cat Stash on here come on.
Why does uptown update not have anything about obama? that some good news but they got a cat Stash on here come on.
UU focuses on Uptown and its issues, news, events, etc. If Obama came here, I'm sure they'd do something about him. Stash the Cat is local. We've got a better chance of seeing him than of seeing Obama. ;-)
Again, Marc Kaplan lives in the apartment at the NW corner of Montrose and Racine. Many Shiller supporters reside there, including Helen's own Denise Davis
1318 West Montose - Longtime home to many Shilleristas and known for it's close proximity to the Shiller controlled public elementary school and 12th Precint polling place, Stockton School. Also located just around the corner from Alderman Helen Shiiler's former rental apartment at 4443 N. Malden before the Alderbeast became another bougie, property tax paying home owner in Andersonville.
Add Uplift / Jesus People Charter School teacher Karen Sandler to the 1318 W Montrose Shillerista resident list.
Hmmm...good to know. Good that I also know the executives who manage Aetna's real estate portfolio. If the bank trust and their real estate division is the same thing, maybe it is time for them to sell the building. I'll just have to check!
Truman Square Neighbor obama is a uptown issue it the election uptown is part of the election rigth. UU focuses on Uptown and its issues, news, events, etc LOL that is uptown news tell me how it not.this blog had Cosby To Blacks: Come On People It's Time For Change he never been to uptown.
Certainly there will be a reason to put some Barak Obama news on this site in the near future. His candidacy is probably the only thing left that some of us can agree with Shiller on.
4400-4408 N RACINE AKA 1318 W Montrose PIN 14-17-125-018
normally a trust is a dead-end, but looking the PIN up on CCRD, notice doc 0814041009 a judgment from the City for $2,060.00 from May, 2008
this is probably water & sewer arrears
if someone felt strongly enough about finding the owner to go downtown or, from home, pop for the $2.50 to download this doc, it will probably have the oner's name on it
I am still thinking about June 4th. Does Ms. Schiller know why they have torn down all the projects in Chicago? Why they didn't work? Why the federal money for so long was so intoxicating to our public officials? Where does Ms. Schiller live? East of Broadway? I am all for diversity but not to thrilled about gangs and the violence.
This inflamatory, divisive propaganda has been floating around for years.
If we truly want to make our community a place for people from various cultures, age groups, religions and incomes to thrive, then we have much work to do.
COURAJ focuses on keeping people poor and beholding, making them feel like victims. Don't focus on COURAJ and they will disappear.
If COURAJ really wanted a diverse community, the headline would read,
Buy a condo, home or flat in Uptown and help bring true diversity to our community.
Uptown's # 1 housing is government subsidized units.
Most neighborhoods have about 40% home ownership that helps stabalize the community. Home ownership includes market rate and affordable.
Uptown's home ownership is approximately 22%. So the best way to bring economic diversity and community stability is to increase home ownership by at least 18%.
ReplyDeleteThis is what they were handing out at an open house just prior to the election last year.
ReplyDeleteThe tone of voice is hilarious. Sort of what the Taliban would release to promote the wearing of the burqa.
I understand what "gentrification" can do to a community, but there is some give and take. People who buy condos come in and buy property and tend to take better care of it and fix it up. And as property values increase so do property tax revenues. Renters, in my experience having lived in mixed-use buildings, tend to not have as much invested in where they are living.
ReplyDeleteAnd with more condos and residents with more buying power enter a community so do retail businesses which only add to the tax revenue base.
I am not some self-absorbed yuppie who doesn't care about my neighbors. I don't necessarily want high-end Lincoln Park type businesses.
But what kind of investment are the people of COURAJ willing to make in their community? I understand diversity is great, but sometimes I just get sick of hearing it be used as a way to stay with the "status quo."
Another instance where the meaning of the word "diversity" is bastardized by Uptown politics.
ReplyDeleteTo most people, "diversity" means a spectrum, an array, a great variety. In ShillerSpeak, it means "everything must be accessible to the poorest of the poor."
Magnolia Cafe? An affront against diversity! Because there are people who can't afford to go there. Forget that Wilson Avenue already has many low-priced restaurants. Magnolia Cafe is NOT diverse because ... it's pricey.
Condos? No way! Because everyone can't afford them! How can they possibly contribute to "diversity"? No, they're out of financial reach for some residents, so they're not only anti-diversity, but they (ahem) destroy families and lives.
Forget that middle-class homeowners are actually a minority in Uptown. Forget that mixed-income housing is the model for public housing in Chicago and everywhere else. Forget that Uptown already has 6,000 units of "affordable housing."
Because -- unless every single family in Uptown can afford something -- it's just not "diverse." Screw the variety. Screw the spectrum. Screw anything different.
All low-income, all the time. That's COURAJ's view of "diversity" in Uptown. And that's why they hate the condo owners, because we're interfering with their vision.
Thanks Truman Square Neighbor. I moved to this neighborhood not knowing it was part of La Shiller's domain (I missed it by one block - anyone know when redistricting takes place? Or shall I wait until La Shiller and Toddler Stroger and thrown out on their tuchases in 2010?), I moved here because it was affordable, had potential despite the crime and other issues.
ReplyDeleteShiller's term isn't up until 2011.
ReplyDeleteHate to burst your bubble.
As for TSN - perfectly worded.
It's only diverse if everyone is in the same leaky boat, eh?
I love statements that claim to champion diversity and then immediately exclude one or more groups...
ReplyDeleteSlurp! I am lickin’ my chops now that I have a chance to bite into some real live COURAJ propaganda!
ReplyDeleteYES! I am for diverse communities!
YES! I want to solve the problems of “destroyed families” “destroyed lives” and “unaffordable communities”!
YES! I am a good person.
But, wait, I already own a condo in Uptown. Sh**.
Does that mean that I no longer get to be a good person? Does that mean that I “destroy families and lives” and am against diverse communities? Hmmm…seems so. I’d better read on. Ok. Here it says something about “the condo craze.” Sounds like some kind of social disease. I can’t be held responsible for that especially because I belong to a “working family” too. I am clearly petty bourgeois…I do better than some folks around here but I gotta sell my soul to the military-industrial complex in order to get my daily bread too. So, it doesn’t make sense that I am the bad guy. I still don’t get it. I’d better read on.
It says here that this “condo craze” is adding to the “artificial rise in property taxes that are making it very difficult to keep rents affordable.” That’s funny. I have been reading some stuff in the Tribune about scandals and corruption at the City and county levels which make our local government anything but lean and mean. Maybe I misunderstood that there was a relationship between that and property taxes. But I am starting to get what these guys are saying. If I move here, then I am making the property taxes rise. That makes it really hard for the landlords to keep their rents low because rents only rise when property taxes rise. Okay. But wouldn’t those guys actually be the capitalists who are not working for their daily bread through the sweat of their brows but rather by extracting economic rents from the working man? Oh, dear, I’d better set that point aside now because I am getting all twisted around. Just remember: petty bourgeois folks like me BAD!...absentee landlords (especially those who contribute to Shiller’s campaign fund) GOOD! Got it.
Now onto the final point: if I buy elsewhere, these absentee landlords will be willing and able to keep their rents down for the people who live here. I can help this community survive because it is all worked out that this is a place where landlords prefer to offer below area median rents and residents prefer to be in a place designated for poor people. It is all worked out and I should get out of the way and stop wrecking the system because it is logical, right and self-sustaining. Ghettos are for poor people and the suburbs and a few ritzy urban areas are for everyone else. Yikes! I sure hope I'll feel comfortable in those areas because in the past some of those places haven't really liked gays, jews, blacks and other ethnic minorities moving into "their" neighborhoods. And some are so far away from where I work...But money talks! Maybe I'll fit in if I have enough money...too bad I don't really have too much of that.
Gosh, I'm so sad now! I really wanted to be “a solution to the housing crises” (sic), I really wanted to be a "hero" and have "the people of Uptown hold me in high honor." That sounds pretty good! I wish I hadn’t blown it by buying a condo. But now that I am here I might as well just stand in line for my bitch slap and politely ask, “may I have another, m’am?” In bizarroland it is absolutely 100% my fault and yours too.
But it is those 50% of the residents who are condo owners and not non-profits that are paying all those taxes that fund Wilson Yards. Yet, the non-profits that are taking all the Wilson Yard TIF money to build more non-taxable non-profit housing hate those condo owners who make it possible.
ReplyDelete"Weapons grade" stupidity right there...
ReplyDeleteIf Alderman Helen Shiller and Couraj and Mark Kaplan truly believed in housing and racial and economic diversity, they would have strived over the past 20 years to make the entire Ward diverse. But no. They leave Lakeview alone totally alone with little or no low-income housing, and little racial and ethnic diversity.
ReplyDeleteNope. They pack all the "diversity" quotient into a few blocks of Uptown and then say they have a diverse ward. What they have really created is a divided ward: 2/3 like Lincoln Park 1/3 a ghetto.
Now, why do they do that? Because they aren't interested in diversity or assimilation at all. They are interested in control. And the best way for them to control the poor is to pack them in like sardines in the smallest area possible and cut them off from any outside influence. Then, make them mistrust all others and totally depend on the Alderbeast and Co for everything.
And, if a kids get a rotten education, they say, "So, what? The price has to be paid." And if gang bangers shoot people down on the street, they say nothing "It is a police problem it has nothing to do with the infrastrucutre of the neighborhood or us." And if they cut the poor off from city and police services, they say "Don't trust those people. They won't give you anything. To get anything you have to depend on us."
It's all about manipulation and control.
Has anyone tried to call that number?
ReplyDeleteThe reason why I like Uptown is because there are so many people who own houses and property and have been here for so long that they have raised families and chose to stay in their senior years. This plea is such a bunch of BS!!!
ReplyDeleteI think this means we are making ground here! Viva la condo owners!
ReplyDeleteI would like to use the lyrics from a Tragically Hip Song...
ReplyDelete"Courage, it couldn't come at a worse time!"
I suggest everyone look at where Shiller lives... in a very gentrified area that is basically completely surrounded by Alderman Smiths ward in Andersonville...
ReplyDeleteWhy does poor = diversity?
ReplyDeleteI know many people from diverse backgrounds that own condos in Uptown.
I honestly think this letter is a bit racist. Just a thought.
"People of Uptown will thank you."
ReplyDeleteAh, Marc Kaplan, you do not speak for us. Got it?
It is a lot racist.
ReplyDeleteI suggest everyone look at where Shiller lives...
ReplyDeleteThat would be 1248 West Carmen (almost to Foster Avenue). Do a google map of it. You can even get a street view.
Can anyone say GERRYMANDER!!? If there were any justice in this City she would have been redistricted out of her own ward!
I would love to have seen the faces of the people who were handed these flyers!
ReplyDeleteCopied from the InfoJournal Independents Blog:
ReplyDelete...here are some tidbits on folks we have to get rid of or retain: 46th Ward
"Keep Helen Shiller in! Her long history of independence from the machine and support for low income housing and progressive community groups would be a huge loss if racist and classist gentrifier James Crappyman got in. He comes out of some really pseudo-fascist condo-owner and pro-cop/anti-poor neighborhood groups and wants to destroy what the poor and working class organizations in that neighborhood have worked so hard to maintain. No kookie kutter kondos for Uptown!"
There you have it. The Shiller agenda in a nutshell. She's just ramping up her usual anti-condo, anti-white, anti-police, anti-middle class, anti-neighborhood group rhetoric to feed her troops some hatred, the great political motivator.
Shiller in the mirror: condo-owner to start, you can finish the rest...
ReplyDeleteCan we start the chant? Cappleman for Alderman!
he's obvoiusly the one that's running this blog right?
ReplyDeleteI love that "independence from the Machine" part. Shiller has about as much independence from the Machine as Daley's lap dog.
ReplyDeleteThose folks are still living in another era.
Cappleman isn't behind that post. I found it googling "Shiller" and "police brutality".
ReplyDelete"kookie kutter kondos"
You stay klassy, InfoJournal.
anyone who ever thought that a community this close to downtown, parks, and the lake wouldn't gentrify wasn't thinking clearly. Their vision is unrealistic. I love seeing all the new condos going up and being gutted and restored... Uptown is on it's way to becoming a wonderful community people... BUY! BUY! BUY!
ReplyDeleteThe people who buy property are the reason for the taxes increases?!?!
ReplyDeleteThis is a joke right? ....right???
Look trolls....some of us have rented in uptown for many years and can finally afford to buy something!! and remeber we pay high taxes too!!! the pissing, drug dealing and prostution are just bonuses for us that try to improve this community...preserve uptown..have you walked around the neighborhood...the few that do respect the neighborhood obviously have moved out!!! make difference and invest and be involved in the community dial 911
ReplyDeleteUptown C
The poor in low- and no-income housing are still here because those that can afford to pay for that housing (taxed condo owners)are taxed to the hilt (thank you, Mayor Daley). Seems like a no-brainer to me. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you. I suppose it's a matter of pride and an inability to recognize that that is exactly what is going on. There is absolutely nothing diverse about Couraj's agenda. My impression is that a bunch of college students just finished reading the "Communist Manifesto" and decided that classism and the poor was the issue du jour for them. Bless their silly little hearts.
ReplyDeleteTheir silly, INEFFECTIVE little hearts. I don't think we should bother wasting any time on these people. They are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
ReplyDeleteif couraj were really interested in helping out the poor, or the long-time residents of uptown- they would focus their efforts on getting more uptowners to move up the ladder from renting to owning. it is by far the best way to create wealth, and this way they reap the benefits of an improving community by capitalizing on increased property values.
ReplyDeletethere are thousands of examples in this city and accross the country where this works. but again, it takes some leadership and some hard work- not just talk.
Is it 312 or 773 area code?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to call and ask them about this flyer.
I actually think Cappleman is too nice to run against Shiller. He is a good guy, but I am hoping we get someone that understands that when slapped in the face, you slap back.. not turn the other cheek so that one gets slapped too...
ReplyDeleteAnd where, pray tell... do the members of this fine group reside? Do all of them rent? Or do they live in tents the erect on Truman College's parking lot at night because they don't want to take away any housing that a poor person might need?
ReplyDeleteSo, to them, diversity doesn't include the middle class? What exactly is the breaking point on the annual earnings to still be considered 'diverse' enough to live in Uptown?
It's a known fact that gentrification of any area significantly decreases crime. Why? Simple - people that invest their hard-earned money into a property tend to care more about their neighborhood than people that rent. The beautify, they clean, they call the police and demand that their Alderman actually WORK for their salary. If you rent, and you don't like the area, hey, you can just pick up and leave! A bit hard to do when you own. So... while Uptown still has a long way to go to be considered safe, its MUCH better than it was 10 years ago. I wonder why?
So, does 'diverse' also mean crime-ridden, gang and drug-infested hellhole to Couraj? Is that the type of community they think protects the sanctity of family in Uptown. Do they really buy this load of horse manure they are slinging on the public? What a joke.
It's funny, I chose Uptown because I liked the diversity of it, the culture of it. I wish someone had given me one of these flyers before I bought, so I would of at least had a heads up that I would be seen as the scourge of Uptown, some sort of white devil who is to be hated and feared more than a gangbanger. I might of reconsidered purchasing here.
I don't know who the hell these Couraj people think they are. I grew up with squat, and have been on my own since I was 18. I have worked my butt off my whole life, and now I can finally afford my first home ever, make my first real 'investment' into my future, and these nutjobs think they have the right to pain me as some sort of elitist, rich person? They can all go to hell, and I hope Shiller is driving that train.
pardon my typos... it's hard to take your time typing when you're disgusted and pissed off. I would love a one-on-one with these idiots. They know NOTHING about the people they claim to be 'destroying' Uptown. Its nice how they scream about 'diversity' and then immediately exclude people from that. Go Eff yourselves Couraj!
ReplyDeleteThese guys have no clue how much wasteful spending that the government spends on public housing. They are just part of the machine of lies and evil deception. The facts are out there, Wilson Yards public housing cost per unit is north of $400,000, the average price of a private owned units is less than $120,000. These people in COURAJ don't have there facts striaght.
ReplyDeleteLittle Marcy Marc Kaplan.
ReplyDelete~during a vote dry attempt went into nursing homes and strong armed the edderly and sick residents to rescind their signatures on the petition.
~He and courj marched through Uptown and destroyed the landscaping of condos.
~the best sighting of Marcy is dressed in a tie and apron working as a bartender at some very elitest gatherings. There's something poetic about the sight.
I'm so thoroughly disgusted at Couraj's attempt here I don't know where to start. I can't add anything the other long and more informed posts have already. But really, where do they think the money comes from to BUILD WY low income housing? Where will the money come from to HOUSE the residents once it's built?
ReplyDeleteLet's be clear: I don't mind some of the tax money going to others less fortunate. But without increased revenue from property taxes, the money comes from where for them to have their little pity parties?
A friend and I, both condo owners, met Marc Kaplan when he was trying to start a kids triathlon program. We went a few times to the clarendon field house, but no kids ever showed up! Hmmm...condo owners trying to get involved in the community, go figure.
ReplyDeleteis there a picture of this guy somewhere that is clear so I know who he is.. where does he live?
ReplyDeleteIf I could afford to but a condo in Uptown I would! not even the guy on the el with 5 tears tatooed on his cheek trying to get some poor guy to come 'join his gang' and 'attend a party that evening- but you gotta bring your own ho's' could deter me... it was funny though.
ReplyDeleteAgain, Marc Kaplan lives in the apartment at the NW corner of Montrose and Racine. Many Shiller supporters reside there, including Helen's own Denise Davis.
ReplyDeleteTo the person that said Cappleman is too nice.
ReplyDeleteExactly and he looks real bad gunning for the next election.
To get Shiller out we need someone that is from the machine, pro Daley, pro Olympics and pro development.
Tunney was connected before he ever got Daley to appoint him.
Cappleman gunning so hard only empowers Shiller and makes him look like a sore loser.
In the end all the problems of Uptown can be solved by free enterprise an Alderman that is pro business and pro development.
Enough with the anti American, anti free enterprise, social service loving hacks.
Social Services, SRO and all this section 8 housing is a business too. It's not about caring about the poor.
It's about making $$$$.
I have no problem with members of COURAJ living in Uptown, and I surely wouldn't abdicate that anyone kick them out of their apartments. That's exactly the kind of thinking that pisses them off.
ReplyDeleteThe problem I have is the fact that they act like they are speaking for the community at large - when they actually are not. Their hate tactics and reverse discrimination makes them look bad all on their own. What even looks worse is that our alderman supports their activities. Quite sad.
Now that Shiller is fully vested in her retirement benefits - I doubt she'll run again. Chances are, she'll vacate her seat and appoint one of her flying monkeys, and then support said monkey in '11.
ReplyDeleteWe do need someone who is pro-development, and not afraid of working with the free market forces.
Not to say that social services should be abandoned; but, we sure as hell don't need to ADD any more.
And we sure as hell need to get someone in office who isn't bumping policy uglies with the likes Marc Kaplin.
The last thing we need is anyone even remotely connected to Daley and the Democratic Machine that's raping this city of its money and its spirit.
(not to mention the members of the Dem Machine who represent us in the state legislature and in Washington)
As a condo owner I find it funny that this Mark Kaplan guy doesn't have a clue. We need condo/home owners! Not all but enough to help pay (from property taxes that renters DON'T pay) for the local schools that are hurting!
ReplyDeleteMy partner and I are paying for the school systems when we don't have kids ourselves! And ya' know what- I'm proud that we are. I want to see kids in the Uptown area have a better chance than I did growing up in the 'burbs! I see kids every where and I would love to know that the school systems are becoming better with help of the property taxes.
So in my eyes this idiot wants to keep the system down for the local kids. Does this fuck-wit realize that saying "Not to buy in Uptown" is doing a disservice for the local kids whos parents (whether they rent or own) are having a hard enough time with funding of the local schools. It's bad enough that teachers are not paid enough for thier work of teaching, counseling, parenting, and the over crowding of the class rooms.
This community needs a healthy mix of both renting and ownership.
Please realize there will always be a machine in Chicago whether it's Daley or Jackson as Mayor.
ReplyDeleteThe Corp. titans of Chicago and the Pritzker's give them their power.
Well said yo! The only thing is that we may need a Daley lackey since Shiller may step down before the end of her term and Daley will be involved with fillng that vacancy.
ReplyDeleteThese are classic ramblings of group that realizes its losing its power. One by one the gangbangers are forced out, and one by one good hard working people move in. I've only been here four years, but even in that time, I've seen the neighborhood changing and the scary Shillerista Garden of Eden shrinking in size.
ReplyDeleteAnd on the subject of property taxes, we the condo owners did not setup this tax structure, so please do not blame us for it.
is there a picture of this guy somewhere that is clear so I know who he is.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the scary-looking dude in the orange hat on the CLTV video of the little rally in the garden that Couraj held this week.
"These are classic ramblings of group that realizes its losing its power."
ReplyDeleteAnd all the Shilleristas are going crazy because there's an anti-crime rally in front of the alderman's office. They can't exactly say they're pro-crime, so they're trying to deflect the issue by claiming police brutality.
Seems to me that the gangbangers are the real brutes, but ... you're right, their little revolutionary knees have to jerk against SOMETHING.
Looks like this group just lost the support of Uptown real estate agents.
ReplyDelete4250 N Marine Drive, please tell your condo board president, Dan Reilly of Pride Real Estate that. He needs to hear it.
ReplyDeleteIn case you didn't see this in May when the Chicago Tribune posted the "Statement of Financial Interests of Alderman" - the one that La Shiller filed cleverly makes it appear that she doesn't own her home at 1248 W. Carmen (just down the street from me).
ReplyDeleteLink: http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/clout_st/files/ward46.shiller.pdf
Surely it cannot be the sinking value of my Uptown condo in the toney Hazel and Sunnyside area of the neighborhood that is "artifically" raising property taxes?
ReplyDeleteThe crime in this neighborhood and the Wilson Yard "Project" are possibly quite enough to discourage potential real estate buyers.
Marc Kaplin that is how he feels, hem and COURAJ. I been knowing all of them since I was little. This is not new they been saying that condo will be the end of low-income
ReplyDeletehouse. I was here before the condo came , my friend told us that if we don't want the first condo to come we should protest. we said what ever we did not care now they care. We can not get rid of condo now! so leave it alone. I could careless so should you.
Why does uptown update not have anything about obama? that some good news but they got a cat Stash
on here come on.
I can't afford to buy elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteGo be "diverse" elsewhere.
Why does uptown update not have anything about obama? that some good news but they got a cat Stash
ReplyDeleteon here come on.
UU focuses on Uptown and its issues, news, events, etc. If Obama came here, I'm sure they'd do something about him. Stash the Cat is local. We've got a better chance of seeing him than of seeing Obama. ;-)
Again, Marc Kaplan lives in the apartment at the NW corner of Montrose and Racine. Many Shiller supporters reside there, including Helen's own Denise Davis
1318 West Montose - Longtime home to many Shilleristas and known for it's close proximity to the Shiller controlled public elementary school and 12th Precint polling place, Stockton School. Also located just around the corner from Alderman Helen Shiiler's former rental apartment at 4443 N. Malden before the Alderbeast became another bougie, property tax paying home owner in Andersonville.
ReplyDeleteAdd Uplift / Jesus People Charter School teacher Karen Sandler to the 1318 W Montrose Shillerista resident list.
Who is the property owner of 1318 W. Montrose?
ReplyDeleteNot sure what it matters, but owner of record for 4400 N. Racine (same building as 1318 W. Montrose) is listed as AETNA Bank Trust.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...good to know. Good that I also know the executives who manage Aetna's real estate portfolio. If the bank trust and their real estate division is the same thing, maybe it is time for them to sell the building. I'll just have to check!
ReplyDeleteTruman Square Neighbor obama is a uptown issue it the election uptown is part of the election rigth. UU focuses on Uptown and its issues, news, events, etc LOL
ReplyDeletethat is uptown news tell me how it not.this blog had Cosby To Blacks: Come On People It's Time For Change he never been to uptown.
Certainly there will be a reason to put some Barak Obama news on this site in the near future. His candidacy is probably the only thing left that some of us can agree with Shiller on.
ReplyDelete4400-4408 N RACINE
ReplyDeleteAKA 1318 W Montrose
PIN 14-17-125-018
normally a trust is a dead-end, but looking the PIN up on CCRD, notice doc 0814041009 a judgment from the City for $2,060.00 from May, 2008
this is probably water & sewer arrears
if someone felt strongly enough about finding the owner to go downtown or, from home, pop for the $2.50 to download this doc, it will probably have the oner's name on it
Hugh, I work downtown, where do I go to find the owner's name? What city dept?
ReplyDeleteI doubt they would sell anyway. The owner just took a $1,500,000 equity loan out in 9/07. The building is quite well maintained.
ReplyDeletethe recorder's in the basement of City Hall on the County (east) side
ReplyDeletebring the PIN number
there you will find a bevy of civil servants anxious to assist you with your quest
I am still thinking about June 4th. Does Ms. Schiller know why they have torn down all the projects in Chicago? Why they didn't work? Why the federal money for so long was so intoxicating to our public officials? Where does Ms. Schiller live? East of Broadway? I am all for diversity but not to thrilled about gangs and the violence.
ReplyDeleteThis inflamatory, divisive propaganda has been floating around for years.
ReplyDeleteIf we truly want to make our community a place for people from various cultures, age groups, religions and incomes to thrive, then we have much work to do.
COURAJ focuses on keeping people poor and beholding, making them feel like victims. Don't focus on COURAJ and they will disappear.
If COURAJ really wanted a diverse community, the headline would read,
ReplyDeleteBuy a condo, home or flat in Uptown and help bring true diversity to our community.
Uptown's # 1 housing is government subsidized units.
Most neighborhoods have about 40% home ownership that helps stabalize the community. Home ownership includes market rate and affordable.
Uptown's home ownership is approximately 22%. So the best way to bring economic diversity and community stability is to increase home ownership by at least 18%.