Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Call To Action: Save Chicago Music

A reader sent us info on "4 The Music," a website devoted to stopping the "event promoters ordinance" that would require music promoters to carry extra insurance in addition to the insurance already provided by the venues where the productions take place. This could potentially affect live music venues in Uptown and have a devastating effect on our entertainment district. Check out the website here and voice your support.


  1. Thanks for posting! This issue is definitely not dying unless the community voices opposition. And, yes, you will be sending an email/fax/letter to Helen Schiller if you use the website and you live in the Fightin' 46th ward!

  2. Did it as well thanks for posting the link!

  3. The City finally put out a FAQ on this ordinance, it's pretty interesting, or at least more detailed than anything else they've published.


    or try this tinyurl, the City's website is a naviational nightmare:
