Nearby locations are:
- Kelly Park (east of Wunders Cemetery), 3900 N Seminary
- Lincoln Square, Fountain at Giddings and Lincoln (near Selmarie)
Uptown Update is an equal opportunity blog, so if anyone has any fundraising events in the area for any candidate, let us know and we'll shill for ya.
ReplyDeleteNo thanks.
Seriously. It's always disappointing to see folks shilling for that ridiculous organization.
ReplyDeleteAre we going to have a Rush Limbaugh bake sale, too? It's the only way I can see to put the lunatic partisan quotient in balance.
FYI: Monies raised by MoveOn go to their political action fund. This money can be spent on almost whatever they want. In fact, hardly any of the funds they have raised so far have gone to Obama for President. Instead this money is spent mostly on overhead to pay the hundreds of staffers that are employed by MoveOn.
ReplyDeleteMoveOn is also backed by friends of Mayor Daley, the Pritzkers.
If you check out the bakesale just ask if anyone there is being paid for their time.
Funcon6: You perhaps meant a bakesale for McCain, sponsored by Rush Limbaugh?
ReplyDeletePlus, the phrase "lunatic partisan quotient," could also apply to Limbaugh, Hannity and Fox "Baby Mamma" News.
Amen guys.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note...
I already gave to the guy with the 1980 ditto paper legitimatizing his selling of M&M's for his kids school's basketball team.
Ok, something more constructive to ask/add. Do we have times for the bakesale? Is it going to be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea funcon6, if you don't like it, don't go and buy anything. Furthermore, if you are somehow offended that there was a quick little posting advertising the bakesale on the Update, don't read it. Jeez.
ReplyDeleteThis is my beef with this website. We seem to attack (I am guilty myself) peoples post as apposed to just posting our views on the topics and letting other readers come to there own conclusions.
Are we so linear that we can't stand to see people post anything opposite of what we think?
billyjoe, perhaps you're just an idiot...
ReplyDeleteyo - you said it best
uptowndad, i just had to laugh, these "basketball teams" have been raising funds for new uniforms since I moved to this city 15+ years ago...you'd think by now they'd have full fledged professional uniforms sponsored by the NBA and Nike...or hmmmmm, perhaps that money is being used for something else....I know that when I was in grade school and high school we wore something that actually identified ourselves with the organization while fund raising....
MoveOn is just pathetic -
I will say however, sooneratkent is right, and the post said it as well, if you have something you'd like to adver., bring it on! Even if it's from billyjoe....sorry, had to get that dig in...
ReplyDeleteI just won't go, I don't care for MoveOn....but glad I heard about it on Uptown Update....
"This is my beef with this website. We seem to attack (I am guilty myself) peoples post as apposed to just posting our views on the topics and letting other readers come to there own conclusions."
ReplyDeleteI'd agree that the ease and anonymity of e-mail does bring out one's passive-aggressive tendencies. Im sure many of us are different in person than we are online.
Uptown Dad: Opposed, not "apposed."
and their opinions, not "there opinions."
Billyjoe, if you persist in being the spelling and grammar cop, every damn post in which you correct someone is going to disappear. Even the ones where you actually make sense.
ReplyDeleteOh, and it's "I'm," not "Im."
Ok, something more constructive to ask/add. Do we have times for the bakesale? Is it going to be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
ReplyDeleteClick on the links for the individual bake sales and there's more information.
I agree with Billyjoe on this one!
ReplyDeleteBloody Rush Limbough???! Are you joking? You couldn't pick a far better republican out there, than a pontificating-pill-popping-hypocrite like him? Really?
There are WAY better republicans out there that are not some moronic talking-heads.
For the record, Billyjoe eschews apostrophes (not "apostrophe's") for word contractions in his email correspondence.
ReplyDeleteThat said, feel free to call me out on anything except when I write words like "Im," "wont," "didnt," "cant," "aint," "shouldnt" et cetera. I simply dont want to bother with the "shift" key when Im typing posts.
Republicans who are fairly palatable for the Democrat masses:
ReplyDelete1. First Lady Laura Bush
2. US Senator(Nebraska)Chuck Hagel
3. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Anyone else qualify?
A moveon.org back sale to support Barrack Hussein Obama?! Are they selling pot brownies for all the aging hippie lefty types in this neighborhood that will be there?
ReplyDeletePlease spend your money now because if Obama is elected, he will make sure what is left of your discretionary income will be taken and put to good use by our federal government. Probably on some global warming bill.
What would I do without you BJ? You are growing on me I must say. Here is what I do. I type here, copy and paste it to my hotmail, spell check, then copy and paste it back here.
ReplyDeleteSo please send all spelling complaints to the address below..
Mr. William Gates
1835 73rd Ave NE
Medina, WA 98039
Now I must "Move On"
Mad on Racine: "Are they selling pot brownies for all the aging hippie lefty types in this neighborhood that will be there?"
ReplyDeleteBillyjoe sez: A pretty tired and cliche comment, and not indicative of Barack's "voter base" in the least.
Mad on Racine:"Please spend your money now because if Obama is elected, he will make sure what is left of your discretionary income will be taken and put to good use by our federal government. Probably on some global warming bill."
Yeesh! And you guys complain about Billyjoe? So I guess record deficits, prisoner torture, a demoralized military, and sky-high inflation are not the fault of our current "Federal government."
And not to mention a lot of cocaine use in college by the current republican.
ReplyDeleteWhy does every conversation about bake sales turn in to..
ReplyDeleteSo I guess record deficits, prisoner torture, a demoralized military, and sky-high inflation are not the fault of our current "Federal government."
God, bake sales are depressing. I am starting to think Little Debbie is behind all of this.
I'll admit a bake sale for Barack is pretty trite. Better to hold a voter registration drive, because Team Obama's fundraising prowess is pretty assured without selling cookies and brownies.
ReplyDeleteThe cute idea seems more for keeping a few kids busy, and allowing them to participate in the election in light of the fact that they can't vote.
Anyone else notice that if only kids were allowed to vote, Obama would win, hands down?
"Anyone else notice that if only kids were allowed to vote, Obama would win, hands down?"
ReplyDeleteThat has happened. It's called caucusing in a college town. The locals have complained about it. They've been rebranded as Clintonian racists.
It's a pretty cool gig when you can do nothing all day so you can caucus for 10 hours.
I agree with some other posters that this type of political posting only helps to divide us. I would venture that my conservative/small l libertarian views are not shared by most people on this site, but that shouldn't matter. My kids aren't safe at Broncho Billy just like yours. My wife/partner won't walk home from the Wilson El stop after dark just like yours. I want more retail, less crime, cleaner streets and a more welcoming community just like you.
ReplyDeleteA bake sale for Obama has little to nothing to do with Uptown, its strictly a democratic fund raising event. I'd like to see Uptown Update remain a solid unifying force in the community.