Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

Buried in this story about the city council delaying the vote on the children's museum is a reference to 3 aldermen who are currently in Las Vegas for a real estate convention. The only "real estate convention" we found going on right now in Vegas is this: 2008 ICSC Recon. We wonder if our Alderman could be one of those partaking in this "convention." If she is, let's hope she learns something about retail to apply to her own blighted ward.


  1. News flash. For years Helen has been going to this same convention in Las Vegas.

    From the looks of Aldi, she must have missed the presentation that said the main entrance of a store should be located at the front rather than the back.

  2. I hear they play a lot of poker in Vegas.

  3. In recent years there's been an sharp uptick in the number of public officials/employees attending the ICSC convention... in fact I've been compelled to attend. I always thought it was curious that I had to go to Las Vegas to meet with developers and retailers who have offices and/or agents in Chicago...i.e. Target

  4. It is actually very good if she did go to the convention. It is one of the main ways to get retailers to take a look at a community. Again with the Aldi comment. EVERY grocery store if only a select few, have the entrance towards the main street. Also, they are usually a windowless or maybe 1 or 2 wall along the main street.

  5. the developers are there peddling services

    the public officials are peddling packages of public subsidies

  6. If you take a look at the ISCS Recon convention program there is a track on "Dealmaking" I kid you not. There is also a track on Women in Real Estate. The Keynote is Lou Dobbs with Wayne Brady the featured entertainer.
