Saturday, May 31, 2008

Donate Your Used Towels For Needy Pets

A reader forwarded us a notice about the need for donated towels and light blankets:

GWNA recently learned that many of the animal shelters need towels and small blankets for their orphaned dogs. We are doing a drive for these needed supplies with Soggy Paws. Kevin and Paul have graciously offered to accept donations at their shop from June 1-15.

Towels and Baby Blankets Needed for Orphaned Pets. The city's animal shelters are in desperate need of clean towels and washable baby blankets and other clean small washable lightweight blankets for use in their nurseries, medical department, bathing, and for special needs animals. These items will be distributed to the different shelters according to population and need.

Thanks, GWNA, and thanks, Soggy Paws!


  1. I have a ton of towels that I don't need. They will be getting donated.

  2. Next time ya'll are out and about at Brown Elephant or Salvation Army, could you please buy some towels there? They are usually less than .50 a piece. They make a huge difference in the life of a shelter animal.

  3. Thanks for spreading the word about this UU!

  4. Great--I have many towels that I am happy to donate!
