Friday, April 18, 2008

Crime Scene: Another Shooting

11:23 p.m. Friday: A man was shot in the leg near Sunnyside and Sheridan and ended up in the lobby of the building at 4526 Sheridan. An ambulance was called. He told the police five men approached and shot him.

Thanks to Uptown Crime Blotter for the heads up and the quick reporting.

What a violent night in Uptown!

UPDATE: From the Saturday Sun-Times: "On the North Side, a man who didn't want to talk to police was shot in his upper thigh in the Uptown neighborhood. The man was shot in the 1000 block of West Sunnyside Avenue about 11:35 p.m., a Town Hall District officer said. The office said the man shot was not cooperating with police, and there are several conflicting stories about the shooting."


  1. Get ready for a violent summer. The homicide count is at approximately 110, and we haven't even made it through spring. The Superintendent/State's Attorney is more worried about police corruption than stemming criminal activity...and the criminals are very aware

  2. Why not have the police work their own neighborhood during Cubs games instead of having them detailed out as free security force for the CUBS organization?

    I actually had a non-response to my own 911 sex assault call. When no police came the 911 supervisor ratcheted it the call up to a rape-in-progress and the 23rd District police still did not respond to the calls for 1 1/2 hours. (They never came and 911 gave up as I was able to get into a passing city tow truck.)

    When it was investigated, the police explained that they were busy working the CUBS game. Believe me, the gangs know this summer pattern of non-coverage too.

    I'm calling major bullshit! When and where did this happen? I realize that police service can be bad, but a criminal sexual assault, no such thing as rape, legally speaking, in Illinois. If by some chance this is true, you should have went to the media and got an attorney.

  3. Maybe the person will write back but most victims of sexual assaults don't want it all over the evening news. If it were me, I probably wouldn't want to add a battle with city hall on top of my pain as well.

    To the extent that this person is willing to talk about what happened, I would like to know more about the details of the response.

  4. This is not bullshit. This is the 23rd District. They've been refusing to respond to calls or faking responses to calls for years up here.

    Just like there are parking passover areas and no ordinance enforcement areas, there are some no response areas. Don't be so naive. This isn't Lincoln Park.

  5. Go to caps and demand an answer! Ask them to call you the next day with a detailed explanation. Maybe it would be to difficult for you to do this but if you could send a friend or neighbor to demand answers you might get some information.

  6. I've chimed in on this before, but I have never had police respond to any incident I've ever reported, including crimes in progress. It's terribly frustrating. CAPS meetings seem to be primarily about how much of a an f-ing pain in the ass you have to be in order to get any police response. And these are police officers at the CAPS meetings who give me this point of view. Frankly Uptown Crime Blotter has been helpful because it at least confirms they are doing SOMETHING in the neighborhood. The only time I ever saw any police respond to an incident in this neighborhood was when one pulled me over once at Wilson and Sheridan for talking on a cell phone while driving. (Ironically one of the few times I've ever done that.) And yeah it was at Wilson and Sheridan. So you can imagine how much illegal activity goes on there on a daily basis (this was pre-camera days) and he chose to pull me over. But if I call about people urinating/deficating in the alleyway, doing drugs in my alleyway, selling narcotics on my block, assaulting people on my block, throwing things at cars, etc., the line is always the same: "we'll send the police on over" and the result is always the same; they never do, it's just a lie the 911 operator tells to be polite.

  7. Whenever you call 911, if possible leave your name and number and ask to be contacted when the police arrive on scene. If you see that they have not responded, then call again!

    Also, I suspect the previous poster is exagerrating their experience to make a point. Sorry, but your story smells a little.

  8. This is insane. I was able to take photos of the blood this guy left on the sidewalk.
    I've seen little kids playing outside right across the street from where this was. Don't they worry that they might catch someone who's not even involved in their petty bullshit?

    Also, thanks Uptown Update. if it weren't for you, we'd never know what's going on.

  9. In the old Pre-Cline days you could call back to a 911 Supervisor and check the status of your call to see if the police 1. had been dispatched 2. had been assigned 3. had responded. That at least caught the cops that did the no-shows and blow-by's and who documented their phony responses as "Problem Not Found."

    Superintendent Cline changed the system to remove all accountability related to police responses. He said he did this to protect domestic violence victims whose spouses called to 911 to see if their spouses reported their abuse.

    The change forbade the 911 center from providing any information back to callers, even to the original caller. (They could have used a tracking number system like 311 to let just the original called get info, but they didn't and they won't. ) Thus, you can sit on the street until hell freezes over waiting for a cop to arrive and not know if he/she is even coming. I've done it plenty of times.

    If you call back to 911 you are directed to the station house. When you go to the station house the desk clerk (being as rude as possible, of course) will tell you to go file an incident report or OPS complaint. They will not let you talk to a Sergant or Lieutenant (watch commander) to insist on a timely response.

    No one will tell you this, but there is only one way around this problem. For any call in which you are not in agreement with the patrol officer or if the patrol officer no-shows, you have the right to ask 911 to send a supervisor car. Just do it. Sometimes it is the only way 23rd District will respond for certain call types (like for prostitution, public urination/defecation, indecency, drug use...)

    And one more thing, the secret watch commander phone number is 312-744-1124.
