Saturday, March 1, 2008

Straight From The Horse's Mouth

In case you missed it, here is the latest update on Wilson Yard a resident received from our Alderman's office:

"The date for completion has been pushed back to 2010, but all plans remain the same. The developer has made some progress on excavation, but once the weather breaks, we are expecting them to begin full steam again. Target is still on board as the anchor of the retail portion. If you would like to phone Holsten Developers, their telephone number is 312-337-5339 and my contact is Joe Dunn."


  1. You do find some amusing pics to go along with your captions.

    Now if only that horse worked for Holsten and could talk like "Mr Ed".

  2. Considering the source, I think you may have the wrong end of the horse.

  3. And O.N.E. supported the Day Labor going on Sheridan, firemen and teachers will be living in the housing towers and a traffic study found that there would be no adverse traffic issues caused by the Target store traffic exit which will dump all outgoing traffic onto the one lane Montrose Avenue at an already crowded intersection. (two lanes in, one lane out - you do the math)

    Hello honking cars right in front of the low-income senior housing tower.

  4. If someone didn't luck out and catch the right person willing to talk in order to get an update, I wonder how long it would have taken to give this most recent piece of information about, yet again, another delay? Has anyone kept count of all the delays?

    Still, something's not adding up.

  5. Wow - Can't wait for 2010 - Target will be even more overpriced and then we can expect more...right?

  6. Geez. What do you guys want? You bitch when target is going to go in. You bitch when it's not.

    Maybe we should turn that area into a nice low income housing development. That way Target has no way of overpricing its merchandise. At the same time, lets not include parking so Montrose won't get busy.

    Target is a good thing for Uptown.

  7. Hey, this fine person in Uptown won't have a blog if they didn't complain and always be negative about something.

  8. So - you actually believe Target is coming huh? Good luck

  9. How is it that we have an alderman who only communicates with her constituents through staff emails?

    Last Wilson Yard meeting was held in 2004. At that meeting Shiller and Holsten announced the first of several major changes to the plan:
    Holsten annouces, "there will be no market rate housing. The numbers didn't pencil in." Duh????
    Shiller, not a word.

    The movie theaters pull out. Holsten, "No big deal." Shiller, not a word.

    Two respected senior housing providers pull out. Shiller, not a word.

    Holsten now becomes the grand master of the entire Wilson Yard Plan. Owns and manages the all low-income rental housing. Follow the money. Follow all the TIF (your property tax money) that's going into Holsten's pockets.

  10. Dear Holsten Rep Joe Dunn and Dept of Planning,

    We'd like to see that Target Contract. Fork it over in response to our FOIA requests.

    You are not in compliance with the the FOIA laws.

    Yours truly,

    Those Who Have Requested It
