Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Well folks, another deadline for Wilson Yard has come and gone. Remember back in December when WY developer Peter Holsten stated construction would begin on Target and the housing in January? We got a pic of the site today, albeit a wet looking pic, and as you can see, nothing is going on there as far as we can see. Nothing groundbreaking that's for sure.
We encourage you to give the Alderman's offce a call at 773-878-4646 and ask why another deadline has not been met on this fiasco. Also, you should fire off an email to Sun-Times columnist David Roeder, who wrote the above mentioned Sun-Times article at and let him know there has been no groundbreaking at Wilson Yard.


  1. I'm not surprised, but not disappointed either. I'd rather have nothing there instead of the impending nightmare that will effect this community for decades to come. I'd rather see it delayed until you-know-who is out of office. If that takes ten years, oh well.

  2. Days not over yet though....I'm holding out hope!!!!!

  3. Maybe Shiller will goto the site and scoop some dirt with a broken beer bottle and call it a ground breaking.

  4. They are probably just waiting for that day labor office to open over on Sheridan so that they can get the cheapest labor. Think about it: get workers to go to a nearby company who will pick the best ones that show up that day. The company processes them for all the rules and regs and the developer does not have to pay workers comp. Then, all the workers have to do is just walk on down to Wilson. This eliminates the need to hire so many union workers, simplifies the process and the costs for getting the cheaper workers and it keeps people from congregating around Wilson Yards looking for odd jobs.

    Its brilliant.

  5. too funny the posts

    like holstein owns his own construction company

  6. lil over 5 hours to go. Shiller went home hours ago, so it soes not look good

  7. I'm with the first poster. I'd rather have the lot remain empty than see construction start on an urban planning nightmare.

  8. The point of the post is only about the long history of Shiller's lack of honesty and ablity to get anything done. Not everyone's opinion of what the site should be. I think we all know that. Well, everyone except Shiller.

  9. Who are you kidding. Holsten does hire anyone from this neighborhood for his constrution projects. The only job flyers I've seen require low income housing residents to attend 16 weeks of class on the South Side at their own cost (unless they can get an Inspiration Cafe scholarship). Then, when they graduate they MIGHT get a job interview IF there even are any Wilson Yard jobs at that time IF Holstein MIGHT want to hire someone from this neighborhood. Give me a break!!

    Of course they aren't telling those poor folks all those contingencies when they sign up for the classes.

  10. It's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the community to greater danger."

    -- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials and Helen Shiller Wilson Yards

  11. Hey,

    Who is running this website. rumor has it half of wilson yard is completed now. Where is the updated picture.....?????

  12. I just got back from the Wilson Yard site and unless Target and the housing is covered in a massive cloaking shield that renders it invisible, nothing is happening there...even today.
