If you live in the area bordering Wilson to Lawrence, Sheridan to Broadway you should check out the "Truman Square Neighbors" website. The website is full of great info and pics of Uptown residents who are making a difference. Info on joining is also on the website. Check it out
Anyone in Uptown, this board or in her office, ever she Shiller participate in a program like this. Now, I mean partcipate (i.e. pick up trash) while the media was not there. Not just an opportunity to get here name in the press. Actually caring about the Uptown, besides here home lawn.
ReplyDeleteI've been doing this since 2000, and to my knowledge, Shiller has never participated in any Clean & Green project. The most she does is show up to plant some flowers at the Sunnyside Mall for around 15 minutes every Spring.
ReplyDeletehelen is above this - after all she is an elected official and she wouldn't think of bending her substantial behind over to make things nice for everyont - look at her trailer park like home on carmen curb cut outs no green - helen is a disaster and since she is kissing king richies tif laden rear end she doesn't have to care she's now one of the city of chicago royalty - so quit your bitchin subjects and get to work
ReplyDeleteWho's is the guy in the middle he is pretty cute?
ReplyDeleteActually, Helen used to walk down Kenmore screaming at homeowners planting flowers in their own front yards. She said that by planting flowers on their property they were gentrifying the neighborhood and driving out the poor. Go figure. Who knew a flower could be a political statement?
ReplyDelete"Actually, Helen used to walk down Kenmore screaming at homeowners planting flowers in their own front yards."
ReplyDeleteWhat did she do next, eat someone's baby? This sounds so over the top that I have trouble believing it. If the poster of this comment is really telling the truth though, damn...
Helen ate my baby and I have the photographic proof.
ReplyDeleteMy baby.
I do know of one guy who wanted to plant some day lillies in the park and asked Shiller about it. She said he couldn't do it because it would make the park look gentrified. He was a little shocked and said he was donating them and he was going to do it anyway. She said if he did, she would have him arrested. He told her to go ahead and he would tell the press what she said.
ReplyDeleteHe planted the lillies and never got arrested.
She ate my baby too - while it was planting flowers in my front yard!
ReplyDeleteto the anonymous poster - I have had several run in with hs about picking up trash and planting flowers - so anonymous poster, this isn't over the top - wait til you get hit with one of hs actions - believe what you want but hs has a history of telling people to move because they want to keep their property up - fortunately market forces are much stronger than hs and fortunately there are people who refuse to live in a ghetto like environment -
ReplyDeleteYou are all "preaching to the choir" about HS.
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous #2, who is th guy in the middle?! ;=)