Wednesday, September 26, 2007

That Bench Must Not Be Comfortable

Seen today at Broadway and Wilson. The gent on the ground was spotted there for several hours munching potato chips and watching the buses pass by.


  1. This is Uptown, not Yuptown!

    Maybe this person is just relaxing after a hard day of working for da man. Actually, I think this is Ron Huberman after a stressful day of begging the state for money and extorting CTA riders.

    Doesn't the urge come over all of us once in a while to just lay down in a bus stop?

  2. The community once complained to Schiller about all the people sleeping on the bus bench on that corner. Her answer was to put up another bench on the opposite side of the street.

  3. And we all got to see just how safe it is to sleep on a bench in Uptown a couple weeks ago, didn't we?

    It's a damn shame we've got 197 shelters and social services within walking distance of this bench, and a nice murder spree, and still people think it's just peachy for folks to sleep rough.

  4. Like most people, I get sad and angry when confronted with images like this in my neighborhood.

    But if you forget about that stuff for a minute, you gotta admit, it's a pretty cool photograph with tons of character and personality. Good stuff.

  5. And I forgot to add, having Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson look over the bus stop with that confused and frustrated expression, almost as if you can hear him saying "what the fuck?!?" - well it just sorta completes the picture. It's like he's a stand-in for us!!

  6. Another easy target for the homeless killer.

  7. When you say homeless killer, are you referring metaforicly to the auther of this blogg or the person who has actually ben killing homeless people across the street from Joan Arai skool?

    As usuel, I am cunfused.
